Chapter 28

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(author's note: is this an update? i haven't dropped the stories i have going, don't worry.)

"Are you ever going to speak?" Ryujin finally asked, breaking the silence between them.

It had been far too long since any of them had said anything and the more time passed by, the more tense things got.

At least in her mind.

Yeji, however, seemed to barely notice her presence, let alone feel any particular way about it. Focusing on her phone as if she wasn't sitting across from her.

Suddenly, Ryujin understood why people had certain rules. Such as no phones at the table.

Then again, maybe it was a good thing that Yeji was focused on it and not her. Because there was a sense of guilt growing inside of Ryujin and she wasn't sure how to deal with it.

But it was too late to overthink her actions as Yeji looked up from her phone and met eyes with her. She had a way to look intimidating without having to try. One stare and Ryujin found herself regretting all her recent life choices. Such as inviting the other girl for lunch or breaking the silence.

"I don't have anything to say."

She sighed, moving her chopsticks around, playing with the food on her plate. She would have to tell her the truth eventually. That they weren't actually stuck with each other and could leave at any given moment. But, for now, she would try. Maybe leaving wouldn't be Yeji's choice if she just tried a little harder.

Maybe it wouldn't make any difference.

"How were your classes?"

Yeji raised a questioning eyebrow, probably surprised by what she had asked. They never really talked like that. Never showed interest about how the other might feel, how their day had been, not even about school. Not that she hadn't wondered, but wondering and asking are vastly different.

"Bad grade. Shitty professor."

That explains the poor mood earlier. Not that it was that different from her usual.

"On the project you had been working on?"

The other stopped chewing for a second, probably surprised, before nodding. "Right. Forgot Yuna mentioned it before." the other said, looking down at her food before picking some of it with her chopsticks. "Yes, on that one."

"But you were working on it for so long." She argued, feeling far more upset than she should have been. It didn't even have anything to do with her. Why did she care about Yeji doing poorly on a project?

As she looked at Yeji who wasn't exactly emotional but didn't look as tough as she often did, Ryujin realized the answer was pretty simple. She cared.

An unfortunate fact to be faced with but something out of her control.

"I don't want to talk about it." Yeji mumbled, busting herself with the food. Her eyes focused on it as she looked particularly vulnerable. Not to anyone else, she's sure. But by now Ryujin felt that she could recognize the small changes in Yeji's behavior well enough. Judging by her less stiff posture and slouched shoulders, she was upset.

And it did not sit well with her.

The rest of the meal was spent in silence. Yeji not even bothering to look away from her food and Ryujin not daring to interrupt the silence between them.

She couldn't help but stare, far too much, half expecting for Yeji to call it out eventually. But she didn't. Either she didn't care to, or she was far too in her own thoughts to even notice. She wasn't a fan of either option.

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