Chapter 3

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(Author's note: ngl I was too lazy to proofread this so I'm sorry if there's misspelled words lmao it's like 5am rn so)

Ryujin woke up early, she wanted to be early since this would be her first day of school at her new university. Her parents had contacted someone who had taken care of everything for her and since Ryujin had nearly perfect grades, she easily transferred to one of the best universities, Korea University. Which, as luck might have it, was considerably close to Yeji's house.

Usually, at her parent's house, no matter the time when she would wake up, there would already be employees roaming around. Yet, everything seemed far too quiet there.

She had gone to bed fairly early, having laid there for a good while reading books before sleeping. Which meant that she didn't see if anyone who worked for Yeji stays at the house with them or not. Nor was she informed by Yeji. Perhaps they don't.

Something that was slightly strange considering the other's wealth. Most people who were that rich and from old money, even the younger ones, had the habit of having people live with them so they didn't have to do anything themselves.

Then again, judging by how Yeji had divided them unto different floors, she didn't seem like the type to willingly live with others.

She sighed, looking at the kitchen. Cooking it is. Honestly, it wasn't that bad. She knows how to cook and doesn't mind doing it herself. She's just not sure where anything in that house is so she'll have to go through the entire kitchen to find everything she needs to make her own breakfast.

After a while, she sat down, smiling proudly at what looked to be delicious pancakes she had successfully made. Freezing at the sight of the other girl when she was just about to take her first bite.

Yeji seemed to freeze as well, probably not expecting to find her in her kitchen. She was so surprised that Ryujin started to wonder if she had forgotten that they now lived together.

"Morning." She offered, finally taking her first bite.

Yeji only moved to the fridge without so much as a word. No surprise could be found on Ryujin's face. If the titanic iceberg had a name, it would have been Hwang Yeji.

She followed her with her gaze, seeing as the girl took out a jar of what she could only assume to be orange juice, pouring herself a glass. It did look good but Ryujin hadn't known it was there to start with.

As if she could read her mind, but likely due to all the staring Ryujin was doing, Yeji placed the jar near her. As an offer.


Still no response.

"I'm going to school. Don't touch my things while I'm gone."

Ryujin huffed, who did she think she was? It's not like she's some classless girl that was dragged from the street and has never seen expensive shit. She's just as rich as Yeji, probably. There was no need for this girl to always act like she was so foreign to materialistic objects or uneducated or... there were a long list of things that Yeji had done by now that had been slightly insulting to her, actually.

"I also study, remember?" One could tell that Ryujin was annoyed by her guts to be insulting at each turn.

Yeji didn't respond, drinking the orange juice while staring at her. It was actually making her slightly uncomfortable.

"I made extra. If you want." Ryujin mumbled, pointing at the other plate.

The taller girl seemed to think about it, as if it was some bigger decision than do you want pancakes or not. Why was she like that?

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