Chapter 55

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"You know they'll ground you forever if they find out, right?"

Yeji shrugged. "Then they can't find out."

Hyunjin grunted, clearly frustrated. They had been told to stay home alone and behave. Behaving didn't include sneaking out to find the girl Yeji couldnt stop thinking about.

"Are you sure you saw the code right?" he asked just before entering it, hoping not to activate the security alarm.

She nodded. "I think."

"That gives me no confidence, thanks."

"You're welcome." she responded just as sarcastically.

Hyunjin rolled his eyes, imputing the code she gave him and closing his eyes once he pressed the last button. Hoping for the alarms not to go off.

"Did you do it?" Yeji asked, looking around and noticing how quiet it was.

"I think so?" Hyunjin replied, doing the same.

"Let's go then."

Her brother only nodded, rushing out of the door right behind her.

They had just over two hours to find her girl.

And Seoul was a big city.

Yeji had looked the Shins up. Then both her and her brother had tried to see if they could find where the family lived. Of course, that was easier said than done.

They did found out that there were several places that kept records. Of companies, people, maybe the Shin's address.

"How come there's no photos of her? Maybe she lied and her parents clean those apartments."

"She's not a liar. Shut up."

Hyunjin shrugged, "You knew her for two hours. How can you be sure?"

Yeji didn't know how but she was sure the girl wasn't a liar. She just couldn't find the words to explain how.

"I'm just saying. If you look up our parents, there's our names too. But there's nothing about her existing."

"Maybe she's shy."

"Yes, Yeji. The girl who danced with you is shy."

"Shut up. You're just jealous because you don't have a crush."

"If crushes make people act this way then I don't want it."

Yeji could only huff in protest.

That wasn't the day they found her name.

In fact, they sneaked out multiple times over the next three months. Having had few chances over that time to do so. Each time going to a different building containing records and documents that could provide them any information on this mysterious girl.

"I think it's time you move on."

"I'll find her."

"And then what?"

Yeji thought about it for a second, shrugging in response. "I don't know."

Hyunjin sighed. Leaning back on the headboard of the bed. Picking up the monkey besides him and starting to mess with it, only to earn himself a punch from Yeji.

"What was that for?" he yelled out, holding his arm where she had punched him.

"You can't touch that."


Yeji didn't answer, holding the monkey close to her.

"Whatever." he huffed, getting up and moving to the door. "I'm not helping anymore."

Yeji was sad about that but she didn't let it show, putting on her a neutral expression and pretending not to care at all. Tuk still in her arms.

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