Chapter 11

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Ryujin is still unsure why Yeji's best friend seemed to think the Hwangs had chosen well, when they decided she would be the one to marry their daughter. It was in her opinion, the worst decision they could have made.

But maybe Chaeryeong was like Yeji and both enjoyed all that is cold, heartless and painful for her.

She scoffed, it had been a week since Chaeryeong had made it seem like Yeji was more than what she thought of her. Yet, at every turn the older girl proved that she was indeed just as she expected.

Don't judge a book by its cover, my ass.

"Can you stop staring?"

Ryujin snapped out of her thoughts, her eyes finally focusing on the girl in front of her. She had been drifting off into her own thoughts ever since they sat down to have dinner. Apparently, her gaze had been frozen in Yeji's direction.

"Don't flatter yourself. I wasn't even looking at you."

Yeji only scoffed, focusing on her food instead of trying to argue. These days she was mostly rude with quick remarks or wordlessly. And avoided almost all contact with Ryujin. So it didn't come as a surprise that she wasn't even rude back.

A good five minutes of silence filled the room again, as it often did. Which only made her more uneasy about their entire situation and this house. That felt all too foreign even then.

"You haven't decorated your floor." Yeji stated, emotionless as ever. Her eyebrows raising slightly as if to ask her why. The cat eyed gaze staring right at hers, something that always bothered her whenever their eyes met. It gave her such an uneasy feeling, she wasn't quite sure why or what it was about.

Ryujin shrugged, she's right. But this didn't feel like home, not yet. And she had made a promise to herself to only decorate it whenever it started to feel comfortable to live there. And whenever she could find herself being hopeful for the both of them.

"Wait." She furrowed her eyebrows, tilting her head slightly. "How do you know?"

Yeji seemed a little taken back about the question but moved a dismissive hand. "Mrs Park told me after she cleaned it."


Of course Yeji wouldn't have gone to her floor. Why would she? It's not even like she was curious enough about Ryujin to be snooping around. Yeji never even asked any questions about her or anything of the sort. Ryujin is actually pretty sure that the girl didn't know a damn thing about her even after the time they've been living together.

"You thought I invaded your space?" Yeji questioned, her tone filled with offense. "I'll have you know that-"

"You don't care enough to do such thing. Yes, I know, Yeji." She must have sounded so defeated. That's how she felt too. Not sad nor mad, just defeated. She had no energy to deal with knowing how much the other didn't care and how she would be stuck in this situation.

Truth was, this situation had been much easier in theory. When it was all on her mind and not her reality.

These days, Ryujin barely finds the confidence to pretend that she is charming enough to climb through the high walls around Yeji. Sure, she knows she is damn charming, according to everyone else. But Yeji seemed to be imune to it and Ryujin didn't know how to change that. She had just about tried it all. Every single time, she would be met with a cold shoulder and lifeless gaze.

Of course, there was a light in all this darkness. The one Yeji had agreed to just over a week before. The affair. Which had been her last resort if she were to marry a guy but now seemed to possibly be her only salvation.

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