Chapter 66

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The holidays were approaching and everyone was making plans already. Each of her friends planning to return home for the break and spend Christmas and New Years with their family. Ryujin was no exception.

Her friend group were spending time together, the five girls watching a movie at Yeji's house. Somehow they had grown to become closer since her engagement with Yeji had come to end. Even Chaeryeong looked to enjoy her presence these days.

Yeji was sitting besides her, in between her and Chaeryeong. Followed by Lia and then Yuna. Sitting on the couch and eating their snacks in between laughter.

Ryujin took a moment to quietly observe her friends, smiling to herself. Grabbing a handful of popcorn and putting it in her mouth, earning a teasing look from Yeji who raised an eyebrow at the sight of her cheeks filled with popcorn.

After the movie, their friends started to leave, Lia and Yuna going first with the older one having offered her sister a ride home. Chaeryeong doing the same soon after. Leaving her behind with Yeji.

It had been some time now since they had last spent time together just the two of them in that house. Maybe that's why Ryujin felt some pressure resurfacing once again at the memories.

Moving to the kitchen, Ryujin offered to help Yeji with the cups and popcorn bowls. Standing by her side and drying the dishes Yeji handed over.

"Are you going home for Winter break?" she questioned, thinking about how Yeji hadn't actually spoken about her plans. Despite the others having done so.

Yeji shrugged, not bothering to look her way.

"I am home."

Ryujin furrowed her eyebrows, immediately thinking the idea of Yeji being there alone did not feel right to her. There? In that house by herself?

"What's wrong with your face?"

Snapping out of her own thoughts, Ryujin shook her head, looking at the girl who was now looking back at her. "Aren't you going to your family's?"

Yeji shook her head. "They'll be far too busy with work. And my brother isn't flying home this time."

"That's just not right." she spoke between pouts, focusing on the damp bowl Yeji handed her.

"It's fine, Ryujin." Yeji argued, letting out a soft chuckle. "I don't mind it."

"Well, I do." Ryujin argued, putting down the now dry bowl and turning to Yeji who was looking at her in both surprise and curiosity. "I mind knowing you'll be here all alone."

"It's just another day."

"No. It's a special day."

"Maybe for you." Yeji dismissed, waving her hand and closing the tap. "For me it doesn't mean much. Hasn't in years."

It stung. Maybe it shouldn't have. She should feel no particular way about this. Yet it pained her to imagine Yeji spending Christmas by herself.

Without a second thought and certainly without checking with anyone else, she blurted out the words that presented themselves as a solution. "You're coming with me."

"I'm what now?" Yeji questioned, giving her one of those intimidating expressions and crossing her arms.

"I'm not letting you spend Christmas by yourself. Either you come home with me, or i'm inviting myself over."

"No way."

"Your choice."

"Who says I'll let you inside?"

"I know you're not as cold hearted as you pretend to be. There's no way you'd leave me standing outside your door on Christmas day."

"I don't think you know me well enough to bet on it."

Yeji stared at Ryujin, her arms still crossed and trying to look intimidating but that no longer worked the way it had before. Causing her to smile fondly and place her arm on Yeji's shoulder before walking past her. "I'm not taking no for an answer. So choose what we will be doing for Christmas."

"Ryujin, I'm not going to stop you from seeing your family."

"Guess that settles it then. You're coming home with me. Pack your things. I'll pick you up the day before Christmas eve."

"Wait." Yeji argued, following her as Ryujin picked up her jacket, putting it on. Grabbing her bag and making sure she had all her belongings. "No."

"Silly girl, i already told you. I'm not leaving you to spend it alone." she said, making sure to turn to face Yeji. Standing close to her and smiling.

Yeji only stood there in silence, seemingly accepting her fate as she quietly observed Ryujin walking to the front door and opening it.

"Thank you." Yeji said out loud just a moment before Ryujin was to close the door, her head peaking through it to look inside again. Watching Yeji hesitating before speaking again. "I mean, say thank you to your family for me."

"For what?"

"For letting me crash their Christmas, of course."

Ryujin smiled widely, showing off her whisker dimples. "Okay, Yeji. I will. Don't forget, day before Christmas eve."

Yeji nodded, humming in agreement.

The moment the door closed behind Ryujin, she finally let out the words she kept herself from saying a moment before.

"Thank you, for having a beautiful daughter like Ryujin." she whispered to herself, smiling softly.

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