Chapter 72

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(Authors note: leave me your thoughts and comments about the story! They really do serve as motivation for me to write faster)

Her hair was still wet, having taken a long bath while she dwelled on her thoughts. Her mind filled with the other girl.

These days, it was impossible to get her off her mind.

If her best friend could hear her thoughts, she would argue that such thing had been happening long before they became friendly.

In fact, if she were being honest with herself, the girl hadn't left her mind since the day they met.

It's ridiculous and she wants no part in it.

Reluctantly, her finger pressed the button on the elevator, knowing now she only had a few seconds left before she had to pretend everything was fine.

That she was fine.

As if she hadn't stayed awake for at least one or two hours staring at the ceiling above her bed and regretting every action of hers the day before. As if she hadn't woken up with a incredibly idealistic and unrealistic dream about the other girl playing on her mind.

As if she wouldn't have to face her yet again.

Her and those damn whisker dimples.

Yeji sighed, taking a deep breath and looking the definition of composure. Something she truly lacked these days.

Walking to the kitchen, she spotted Ryujin focused on cooking their lunch. Stubborn as always, she could have ordered some food but instead she's making it herself.

It should be annoying. It really should.

But it's not.

Yeji observed the girl, quietly and attentively. The other having yet to notice her presence. A smile of satisfaction growing as she sneaked inside and sat on the kitchen island.

She could hear the song playing on Ryujin's earphones, far too loud to be considered safe for one's hearing, but she dismissed the urge to nag her about it. It was a good song anyways. One she had danced to a few times before.

Tapping her fingers to the beat against the kitchen island's counter, Yeji chose to remain in silence. Until the younger of the two finally noticed her presence.

Not because she saw her, but because Yeji moved close to her. Perhaps far too close.

She got off the kitchen island and quickly made her way to where Ryujin was standing, preparing the food for them. Taking her height as an advantage to allow herself to peek above her shoulder. Her body nearly touching Ryujin's back.

"What the fuck?" Ryujin yelled at the sudden presence, letting her knife slip as she jumped.

Yeji hadn't thought it through, not really. She didn't think Ryujin would get scared by her sudden presence and she certainly didn't expect her to get hurt.

Taking a step back, her eyes met the mess she had caused. Noticing the blood coming from Ryujin's finger. The younger girl now holding her finger tightly.

"Shit. I'm sorry." The words came out before she thought them through, her hands hovering over Ryujin's. It took her a moment to fully process the situation and realize she should go to the bathroom and get her emergency kit.

Once it finally clicked, Yeji moved. It didn't take her more than a couple minutes to show up again, kit in hand and prepared to fix the mess she caused in the first place.

Ryujin had washed her finger in the mean time, if the lack of blood all over was any indication.

She could tell the younger girl was looking at her, her eyebrow furrowed in confusion as it often was. But Yeji didn't know what there was to be confused about. She caused that, she knew where the emergency kit was, so she went and got it. Nothing more, nothing less.

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