Chapter 6

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(Author's note: shorter chapter but I wanted to continue updating this story daily so here you have it.)

"Do you hate me?"

The question seemed to hover over the silence of the older girl, making what had already been tense and awkward even more so.

Yeji didn't respond quickly to the question she had asked. In fact, she took a long while to do so. Seemingly deep in thought. Was it such a difficult question that she didn't even know what to say? Or was she simply struggling to say she hated her? It's not like she would be surprised by it. Nor would it be the first time she would be mean towards her.

Ryujin didn't rush the answer that seemed to take its sweet time to come out. Instead, she got busy looking over Yeji and her details.

How she furrowed her brows slightly when she was deep in thought, how her lips were slightly pursed and it almost looked like a pout. And her eyes that were all too unique and now focused somewhere in the distance.

After what could have easily been a full minute, Yeji sighed. "I suppose I hate many things about you but I can't say I hate you. I don't really know you."

That was a surprisingly better answer than she had been expecting and Ryujin caught herself nearly celebrating it.

Yeji didn't completely hate her so she could still win her over.

She had always been considered quite charming, although Yeji seemed to be immune to her charm, she would just have to up her game and try her best.

It's not even like she's trying to make Yeji fall for her anyways. She just wants them to at least be amicable towards each other. Was that too much to ask?

"I'll take that."

Ryujin smiled, turning around and continuing to walk aimlessly. She could hear as Yeji hesitated for a few seconds before following behind her, finally hearing the footsteps of the other girl.


The other girl's command seemed to work instantly, perhaps because she had been caught off guard. Causing her to immediately stop on her tracks and turn to face Yeji who proceeded to pull out her phone.

"What are you doing?"

"Taking a photo of you." Yeji casually responded, dismissing any follow up questions by waving her hand. Ryujin made sure to pose in the cutest way possible, wanting to tease the other for having such photo.

"Is that for your personal collection, Miss Hwang?"

She earned a eye roll from Yeji who scoffed as she started to type a caption for the new photo she had just taken.

"You wish." Yeji then locked her phone, placing it in her pocket and starting to walk. "I'm not one of the brainless people who seem to worship you."

Ryujin stayed behind, looking at Yeji as she walked away and unknowingly smiling. "No, Hwang Yeji, you sure aren't."

Ryujin had always liked games and hated losing. If Yeji wanted to play catch, she would make sure to be the winner in the end.

She power walked slightly to catch up with the older girl who didn't even glance in her direction but seemed aware of her presence.

Without any warning, she suddenly changed directions and started walking towards something she had spotted. Ryujin followed the direction of her gaze and spotted a street dancer and a handful of people around him, looking at his performance. Was that what she had spotted?

Yeji still didn't say a word, stopping to admire the performance the man was giving them. She looked to almost be judging every movement, her gaze even more intense than she had ever seen. She looked scary but in a weirdly attractive matter.

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