Chapter 15

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Ryujin wasn't sure what she had been expecting from their hang out session with Chaeryeong. Whatever her wildest expectations had been, the reality had surpassed them.

Having found out about Yeji's safe haven, or what seemed to be it, was already helpful. Any new information regarding the girl was. Unfortunately, it was also scarce at best. So Ryujin would take anything she could get and save it inside the Yeji file on her mind. One she hoped to fill with time.

"Ryujin, you study business, is it?" Chaeryeong asked, seemingly curious about her.

She nodded, wondering how the other had found out since it's not something she had told her.

Yeji rolled her eyes in annoyance, looking particularly bothered when Chaeryeong only smiled in response to her actions. Looking back at Ryujin a moment later.

Had Yeji told her?

"I hope you don't mind me asking Yeji about you." She offered, in what Ryujin had assumed to be her signature soft tone. "As her best friend, I want to know who she is to be with."

Ryujin waved her hand in dismissal, offering the girl a small smile. "It's no problem, really." She shrugged. If it was the other way around, she would have asked questions about whoever was to marry her best friend, Lia. "If things were different my best friend would be doing the same."

That seemed to peek her interest, as she noticed her eyebrows raising due to curiosity. But, before she could ask, Soobin showed up with all that Yeji had ordered minutes before.

Yeji who so rudely assumed what they wanted to eat without bothering to ask. Ryujin really wanted to be mad about how presumptuous it had been to do such thing. Yet, once the boy placed everything on the table, the negative words on the tip of her tongue seemed to disappear.

There, in front of her, was her favorite things. Her usual drink and her choice of afternoon snack. Much to her surprise because Ryujin isn't even sure how the other would have noticed such thing. It was such a random detail of hers, one she had never even mentioned in passing. Besides, it isn't as if they hung out much. So Ryujin might have been all too shocked that Yeji had managed to get it right.

Or maybe she was simply lucky and had guessed what she liked.

Maybe that's how it went because Yeji had never shown any interest in knowing anything about her. Let alone memorize such trivial things as her taste in drinks and food.

"If you don't like it, just get something else." Yeji stated, clearly addressing her since she had been staring at the things on the table for a while now. Yet, her eyes were not on Ryujin, but her own food.

"No." Ryujin said in a small voice, her eyebrows still slightly furrowed in confusion. "I like it."

Chaeryeong didn't say a word during that exchange but she looked like she wanted to. If her expression was anything to go by.

Yeji didn't say anything in response, busying herself with her food. As Ryujin hesitantly did the same. Enjoying it a little too much.

Maybe her favorite things tasted a little better when Yeji had been the one getting them for her without being prompted to do so.

Maybe she would never admit such thing to anyone. Not even herself.

"I heard you're a troublemaker." Chaeryeong spoke again, looking like she was amused at the idea. As she stared, Ryujin noticed that the girl didn't seem to be judging her, which was surprising. Considering how her best friend kept on doing so.

Yeji scoffed, despite neither of them having addressed her. Earning herself a look from the both of them, to which she only shook her head and went back to ignoring their presence.

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