Chapter 41

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(Author's note: last chapter most didn't understand the blue/black lines. you're just as oblivious as ryujin i think. also, i know these updates are short but im trying to make them more frequent so i think it makes up for the shortness)

"It's black."

For some reason Hyunjin raised an eyebrow before smiling and busying himself looking at the menu.

Leaving her to wonder what about the previous interaction had gone over her head. But she didn't give it much thought, settling to focus on choosing the food she would order to avoid overthinking. Occasionally peaking from the written words to look at the siblings who were now engaging in small talk.

"This one is good." Hyunjin offered, smiling politely at her while pointing at the menu. "Right, Yeji?"

Her gaze immediately moved to where the girl was, catching Yeji staring at her brother before reading what was written and humming in agreement.

They ordered the food and while it was prepared, Hyunjin filled the silence with questions. He didn't ask anything too invasive but instead tried to get to know her better. Asking about where she had lived and what she was studying. It was small talk but for some reason she truly appreciated his effort.

Unlike his sister, he had tried to get to know her. Albeit superficially, it was something Ryujin was thankful for.

Meanwhile Yeji remained silent, same as she normally did. Despite the ongoing conversation and the fact she wasn't really doing anything else, the older girl still did not join in. Maybe if Hyunjin wasn't so good at keeping the conversation going, Ryujin would have had her mood ruined by the signature lack of effort and interest of Yeji.

"And then I fell off." Hyunjin spoke, chuckling to himself at the memory. "Of course, Yeji was right there to make sure it was all on video for future blackmail purposes."

The mention of Yeji's name seemed to catch her attention, her eyebrows raising as if to question what was the purpose of this story.

Ryujin was just glad to be told anything at all but it did make her wonder. Yeji didn't seem like the type to do those things, from what she had seen. Just how much had the girl changed since those childhood days? Or was that who she really was when only around those she actually likes? Is this serious and cold persona an act? Or who she is now?

The food arrived faster than she had expected, or maybe it looked like it because for once she didn't have to wait in silence.

"How is it to live with my sister?" the guy eventually asked.

Not sure how to answer that question she took her time to think about it. It was difficult. Probably the most challenging thing she had ever done. But the small things, perhaps too irrelevant or unnoticed by Yeji, those made it better.

Like when Yeji would put her favorite food on the groceries list, or when she would silently make extra food for her. When she would drive her to and from school or hand her an umbrella on rainy days. Small but important gestures that kept her going.

"It has its moments."

This response had both siblings looking at her like she had two heads. Clearly surprised by her words.

"And what are these moments?" Hyunjin asked, looking more curious than before. Giving Yeji a teasing look right after to which she responded with what Ryujin can only assume to have been a kick under the table.

Complaining about the pain, he still chuckled at his own teasing. Making Ryujin smile at their interaction which seemed to be something Yeji disliked, judging by her face.

"That I will keep to myself." she finally replied much to the disappointment of Yeji's brother.

Yeji shook her head, still looking mildly annoyed before speaking. "There's nothing good about our situation."

Did she always need to hurt her feelings? Was it a goal of hers or did she do it effortlessly?

Hyunjin hummed but didn't look too convinced, or so she thinks. "If you say so."

"I do."

He hummed again, smirking at his sister. "I'm sure you do."

"You're so-"

The waiter arrived in that moment, interrupting them to ask if everything was to their liking. To which everyone responded positively, including Ryujin who had barely tasted her food because she had been watching the siblings bickering.

"Ryujin, did you know that Ye-"

He didn't get to finish that sentence, probably due to yet another kick from his sister. Whatever he was about to say replaced by a grunt and a staring contest between the two of them. Ryujin being left confused and a little shocked that Yeji was acting like that without caring about appearances in some overpriced pretentious restaurant.

The moment their deserts came, Yeji started looking just a little off. Though Ryujin seemed to be the only one noticing it. She moved the spoon around and glanced at her until Ryujin sighed in defeat, knowing what the other was hinting at.

"You have to stop stubbornly ordering things you know you won't like." she scolded, without giving it much thought before switching their plates around. Watching a content Yeji eat the desert that was once hers.

Ryujin couldn't help but smile to herself before happily eating the one that just wasn't as good. But she didn't even mind because Yeji seemed all too happy eating the superior desert and that was somehow more important.

Her eyes occasionally moved to look at Hyunjin who was already looking at her with an expression she couldn't fully understand. He wasn't judging it or teasing. He was simply staring before looking away once their eyes met. Leaving her to wonder what that was all about.

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