Chapter 12

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"I don't." She admitted, shrugging. "I don't hate you."

She could feel Yeji's stare even though her gaze hadn't moved towards the older girl. Maybe she had surprised her with her answer. Just like Ryujin had once been surprised when Yeji had told her she didn't hate her. Though, she suspected that might have changed recently.

There was no follow up question. No wondering why or even arguing against her answer. Only silence.

Ryujin couldn't help but sigh. Somehow the silence was deafening. And much worse than when Yeji used to be rude towards her. But it's not as if she was particularly interested in speaking to her either. She simply felt uncomfortable about being around the girl these days.

"Why didn't you say no?"

She had no clue what the other had meant with the question and so her head immediately turned to face the girl sitting besides her. There was still a considerable distance between the both of them, clearly neither of them being comfortable with each other.

"Why did you stop trying?"

She's not even sure what the other meant but Ryujin assumed it must be about her trying to win Yeji over. Right? Either way, she shrugged.

"The more I try, the more distant you got."

Yeji didn't say another word, only clicking her tongue and staring off into the distance. "I really am not interested in you, Ryujin." She sighed, bitting her lower lip and looking particularly nervous. She had never seen her look so... vulnerable. It was a sight that shocked Ryujin in every way and left her staring wordlessly.

"I never will be." She looked back at her, meeting their gaze and catching her off guard once again. Ryujin hated the words she was hearing but her heart was racing at how Yeji seemed to be genuinely her for a moment. Not cold and rude. Just a young girl who is in the same shitty situation as she is. "I will never care for you."

"I know."

Yeji seemed to search for something in her expression but Ryujin isn't sure what it was. Or if she had found it. The younger girl simply stared back, unknowingly taking notes of the details on her face.

"You can get out of this. If you tell them you won't do it."

Ryujin pursed her lips, chuckling nervously. Perhaps she could do that but she would face tremendous backlash for it. From both her parents and the Hwangs. Both businesses would likely suffer loss as well. Her parents would probably stop trusting her and taking her seriously. And who knows who she would have to marry instead of Yeji. Maybe they would be even worse, if that was possible.

"I can't."

"Or you won't?"


Yeji chuckled but it wasn't something that made you feel good. It was a chuckle that could be taken as ironic. Ryujin noted that she did not enjoy hearing it, at all.

"Why do you insist on sticking around and winning me over? It's a business agreement, is it not? Can't you do business elsewhere? Why must you carry on torturing me with your presence and defiance?"

Why was she so bothered by it all of the sudden? It's not as if Ryujin had been the only one agreeing to this. And it's not as if she couldn't also walk away. Of course, Yeji would also face consequences if she were to do so, but it was possible. Besides, it's not her who had been making it all feel like torture. She had been trying really hard to be a good person and to get closer to the girl. And every single time, she was met with nothing but negativity.

"If I'm such a terrible choice in partner then leave. Don't you have a voice of your own? Tell your parents you won't do it, then. Because I sure as hell won't be the one doing so."

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