Chapter 42

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(author's note: short but maybe the most important chapter yet. also, leave me comments of all your thoughts on this story and what happens (i don't mind even the most random thoughts) since those motivate me)

They were outside the restaurant, Hyunjin smoking a cigarette and the two girls keeping company. Not that much was being said by any of them.

Ryujin leaned back against the wall, they weren't at the front of the building so she didn't have to care much about appearances.

Yeji's phone rang, surprising the three of them who nearly jumped at the sudden noise. The older girl looking curiously at her phone before picking up the call and walking away from them.

Blowing out the smoke from his cigarette, Hyunjin looked as his sister walked in the distance, speaking to whoever had called her. Maybe he had been waiting for such an opportunity all night, maybe it was an impulsive decision. One that Ryujin couldn't have seen coming but would surely change things.

"I remember you." he admitted, though it only confused Ryujin. Remembered her from where?


Hyunjin chuckled, busying himself with his cigarette as if to think carefully on his next words. "I remember when you were a kid."

Her eyebrows furrowed, confused as to what exactly had he meant by that. Ryujin was fairly certain she had never met the Hwang siblings before. In fact, she had only attended maybe three events for the rich snobs before she came back recently. Surely she would remember if-

Her thoughts and any question lingering on the tip of her tongue quickly left her once Yeji approached the two of them. Causing Hyunjin to put out the cigarette, readjust his designer jacket and smile at Ryujin. Next thing she knew they were walking to the front of the restaurant and waiting for their respective cars to be brought to them.

The drive home was silent as expected, but Ryujin didn't mind it. She was far too busy going over Hyunjin's words from earlier.

Maybe he had seen her at one of those events. But then why did he wait until Yeji walked away to bring it up? Had they ever spoken? Had Yeji been there? No. She would have probably mentioned it if she had. Maybe Hyunjin had seen her once from a distance. That seems to be the most plausible explanation.

"Will you watch a movie with me?"


Ryujin thought she was imagining things. Until she turned her head in Yeji's direction and watched the older girl meet her gaze expectantly. Looking away the moment the street light had turned green.

"You don't have to. It's just that-"

"Yes." she hadn't even fully processed the question, let alone formed an answer when her mouth spoke ahead of her own mind. Ryujin silently thanked it for that because she would not let Yeji retract such request.

Yeji didn't smile, she didn't thank her nor did she look her way. But she noticed how her body relaxed once she heard that one word coming from her. She watched as the grip on the wheel loosened up and how her shoulders seemed more relaxed. Smiling to herself for having caused that.

The other must have been worried she would say no. As if Ryujin would ever pass up on such opportunity.

"I have an assignment."

Yeji never engaged in conversations like this so Ryujin didn't dare interrupt her. Instead she only looked at her, showing she was paying attention to what was being said.

"I need to watch a horror movie. It's supposed to serve as inspiration but i'm not-"

"You're not good with horror movies." she offered, chuckling as she remembered the last time they watched one with Yuna.

Yeji nodded.

"I'll keep you company."

The silence after her words seemed to go on for a little too long, causing her to assume there would be nothing else said between them. Looking out of the passenger seat's window, Ryujin observed the stars. Humming along to the song playing in the car. Some ballad that surely came from one of Yeji's playlists.

"Thank you."

The words were whispered. Barely audible when against the sound of the music playing through the speakers, but they were there nonetheless. Causing her to smile widely, her whisker dimples easily making an appearance. Not realizing that Yeji could see it through the reflection on the window. Or how a corner of her lips threatened to move upwards at the sight.

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