chapter 78

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Waking up with Yeji in her arms was not what Ryujin had expected to happen.

Yet there she was, awkwardly staring at the ceiling over her bed to avoid moving a muscle so the other girl wouldn't wake up. Her mind running laps around her current predicament.

Because why the hell was Yeji snoring against her body and why the heck was it so adorable?

She vaguely recalled the games they played while intoxicated at the party and the laughter as they stumbled around her apartment but it was foggy at best and honestly? It felt like a lie.

Yeji cuddling her felt like a lie. A creation of her mind.

But it wasn't. She could feel Yeji pressed against her body, something she was still barely managing to not freak out about.

Ryujin waited and waited and concluded that drunk Yeji is a heavy sleeper who would most likely sleep all day if allowed because she was not waking up.

One thing about Ryujin is that she does not enjoy sharing beds. Much less with a girl she's attracted to but has a weird relationship with.

Sure, they had kissed, but then what?

Why was she even thinking of their kiss? Ryujin, stop it.

Eventually, and after a lot of thinking, Ryujin found herself sleeping again.

That was until a certain drunken heavy sleeper decided to finally wake up. And in the midst of freaking out, likely due to their position, kicked Ryujin awake as well. Literally.

"Yeji." Ryujin yelled, holding her leg and playing up the injury.

While Yeji was eyeing her in what could only be described as both confusion and shock.

"Did-" Yeji stopped herself, closing her eyes tightly before meeting her gaze once again. "Did we-"

Ryujin immediately understood where she was getting at, eyes widening the moment it hit her. "God. Take your mind out of the gutter, Yeji.
" Ryujin tried her best not to laugh, she did. It's not even that far stretched to consider, if one were to take into consideration the position they were in moments ago. But with their history? After one kiss that caused Yeji to run away? After the awkwardness that followed it? After their avoidance? Doubtful that such thing would be possible.

"Shut up."

Yeji looked almost ashamed of her assumption, hitting her with a pillow immediately. Ryujin however was having the time of her life because this opened a new door to a lot of teasing.

"Do you think i'm that easy? You'll have to take me on quite a few dates before you can be indecent with me."

Yeji rolled her eyes, clearly annoyed and ready to fight back but completely missing the target in doing so. "And the countless dates we have been on?"

Ryujin raised her eyebrows at Yeji, smirking and waiting for realization to hit the older girl. And oh how she wished she could have recorded the scene. The change in expression was priceless. As was the following stammering from Yeji, trying to save herself from the situation her own words had created.

In reality Ryujin knew Yeji was simply being competitive and arguing for the sake of it. But she couldn't have missed the opportunity to imply she was fighting for her right to do less than godly things to Ryujin.

It wasn't long until she was quite literally being smothered by a pillow.

"You're lucky i don't want murder on my record." Yeji said sitting back down and hitting her one last time with the pillow.

Ryujin couldn't help but laugh in response. Strands of her hair sticking up and some messily resting against her face.

Things weren't bad. But she couldn't really say they were good either.

She's not sure if it was the kiss before, the waking up cuddling or everything they experienced mixed together but there was a palpable tension between them and it was only growing with each passing moment.

But she wasn't sure how to address it. Ryujin wasn't sure of a lot of things, actually.

Too many things.

Eventually, once the teasing, jokes and shock warned out, they made plans.
The girls had decided to go get breakfast which, considering the time, was more of an afternoon meal. Yet the entire time they kept avoiding things with coffee sips, awkward laughter and talks of school.

At least neither of them had run away.

Ryujin would call that progress.


Things hadn't changed. And by that Ryujin meant that everything had changed.

But maybe not in a bad way? She wasn't really sure, actually.

Yeji and her were still talking and spending time with their friends and each other. But everything had changed.

Ryujin couldn't really explain when it happened as she only recently came to realize it. Actually, she didn't realize it at all. Yuna had to spell it out for her because Ryujin hadn't noticed.

How hadn't she?

At first, she hadn't trusted Yuna on it. Surely she was mistaken. But slowly, she began to see that maybe she had a point.

Yeji had been more attentive. She spoke more. Smiled. She shared. Oh, she could talk more in one minute than she had during daily when they shared a house.

After noting the change, all Ryujin could do was stare at the older girl in curiosity and take mental notes of what she witnessed.

She was still the same person. Still mostly quiet especially around those she didn't know and wasn't close with. She was still strict and stuck up as most rich snobs are but Ryujin saw her eat food that she dropped on the floor too many times recently to say she viewed her the same way as before.

Since that morning when they woke up in the same bed, Ryujin hadn't been able to spend time alone with Yeji. Which was fine.

One virtue Ryujin struggled with was patience. But she would try, even if nothing more than friendship came from it.

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