Chapter 5

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Ryujin didn't want to get her hopes up because it was Yeji after all. But maybe, this could be the start of them getting along. If she played her cards right.

Truth was, she didn't even know what Yeji liked to do so chances were, she would hate whatever they would be doing. Then again, Ryujin hated to plan things out. She was someone who preferred to just go with the flow instead of planning everything out in detail.

That's exactly what she had in mind for the day. They'd go grab a meal somewhere then see where they ended up. No planning. No overthinking.

At exactly 1pm, Yeji showed up, looking as attractive as ever. It didn't even look like she put on that much effort into her look but she somehow still looked flawless. Life just loved Yeji and Ryujin didn't get why that was.

She's so annoyingly attractive it pained her. Why couldn't she just be a decent person? Was that too much to ask?

"Where am I driving us to?"

Ryujin smiled, moving towards the girl. "My favorite restaurant."

Yeji sighed, starting to walk towards the door. As if she knew exactly where to drive them to, leaving her just a little too confused as she stared at her.

"Are you coming or not?" Yeji asked with her signature blank expression, walking out of the house.

Ryujin seemed to wake up from whatever daze she had been put under, quickly leaving the house and getting into Yeji's car once she noticed the girl was already inside.

"Do you need an address?" Ryujin questioned, raising her eyebrows curiously.

The cat eyed girl was too focused backing away from her driveway to answer. She looked unfairly attractive when she was focused, she noticed. Gulping at the thought. She shouldn't be thirsting over her fiancée. Not yet. First, she needed to focus on making her not hate Ryujin anymore.

"Is it not the same restaurant you go to during lunch break?"

How did she know that? Sure, she invited her once to go with her but Yeji hadn't and Ryujin never actually told her which restaurant it was. Had Yeji seen her there?

"Yes, actually." She mumbled, her mind still filled with questions.

Yeji didn't say another word until they had nearly arrived but she saw her irritation throughout the drive there, whenever Ryujin touched the radio, or when she sang along to a song or even when she opened the car window only to have Yeji close it not a second later.

Once they arrived at the restaurant, Ryujin got Yeji posing for her immediately, taking a couple of photos at the entrance and immediately posting them. She looked unfairly good in them but not as good as she did in person. It was still surreal how attractive Hwang Yeji was. Of course, Ryujin made sure to write a cheesy caption on the photo posted if not to make it obvious to their followers, then to bother Yeji. Earning herself an eye roll as soon as the other saw it.

 Earning herself an eye roll as soon as the other saw it

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