Chapter 67

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Ryujin walked into the house as if it was her own, causing Yeji to look mildly annoyed at the sight. Walking into the entrance in sweatpants and a t-shirt, holding a mug.

"Are you not ready? I texted you about half an hour ago that I was picking you up." Ryujin couldn't pass up on the opportunity to be a pain in the ass. As much as the other had done the same to her.

"I didn't see that. I've been painting." Yeji said, looking down at her clothes that did have paint all over. Ryujin smiled at the sight, having never seen her in such casual clothing, much less dirty ones. It made Yeji look a lot more approachable.

She walked inside and noticed the other was holding what was essentially an empty mug, making her raise a questioning eyebrow.

"I was going to make coffee."

"I see." Ryujin clicked her tongue, smiling and moving closer to grab the mug. Her fingers gently brushing against Yeji's. Nearly causing the latter to drop it. "How about I make you a cup of coffee while you get the paint off of you and get dressed?"

Yeji jumped at the opportunity, probably trying to stop the physical contact between them. Quickly stepping back from Ryujin. "I'll go shower then. Just..." she stopped for a second to push the button and call her elevator, looking back at her after doing so. "Don't make a mess."

"Me? Of course not." Ryujin smiled, but Yeji didn't seem to trust her, judging by the look she gave her before disappearing into the elevator.

It took Yeji maybe half an hour to show up again and gladly she did so because Ryujin was not a patient person and was feeling restless waiting for Yeji.

"My coffee?"

"In the machine. I didn't want it to get cold." Ryujin had answered before she had caught sight of the other girl.

Looking at her, it was more than obvious the girl had money. Not because of the brand she wore but the way she carried herself and her aura. You just couldn't look away from her. Not that Ryujin wanted to anyways.

"Stop staring."

Blinking once, then twice, she snapped out of her Yeji is extremely attractive trance and back to reality. Following Yeji who walked into the kitchen to get her coffee.

"Did you pack already?" She questioned, sitting at the kitchen island and observing her.

"Wasn't I supposed to?"

"Just making sure you're not trying to ditch."

Yeji shook her head, glancing back to meet her gaze before focusing on pouring sugar into her coffee. "I have a feeling you'd annoy me until I joined you."

Ryujin smiled, nodding at Yeji who was now turned to face her. "You're right. I can't have you spend Christmas alone. That's way too depressing. Even for you."

"Even for me?"

"Yes, even for Miss I'm so cold and snobbish. My friendships aren't real and I don't want anyone around me."

Yeji rolled her eyes.

"What?" Ryujin chuckled. "That's a spot on impression of you before."

"Before" Yeji asked between sips.

Ryujin shrugged, taking a sip of her own cup of coffee. "Before you stopped pretending."

"Who says I was pretending?"

The shorter girl smiled, getting up and walking near where the other was. Coincidentally next to the sink she wanted to use as she had finished the coffee. "I do." she stated, washing her mug in silence. Knowing the other was observing her, she could feel her gaze on her even if there were no words exchanged.

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