Chapter 63

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(authors note: i told you nobody had seen some of these twists coming. anyone has a theory for the rest? i'm curious about your thoughts now)


They were still holding hands when the name was called from behind them. Yeji freezing in place, making Ryujin come to a full stop. Their hands still together until a moment later when Yeji let go.

"Soyeon." Yeji whispered, making her reluctantly turn around and see who had called for the other girl.

Of course, she wasn't surprised when the person they had just been staring at stood in front of them, looking at Yeji.

Ryujin didn't know what to do but everything in her told her to walk away. Yet she was still there, standing a step behind Yeji who was paying no mind to her presence. In fact, neither of the girls seemed to notice she was there. Not until a moment later when Yeji's ex, who she now knew as Soyeon, looked right at her.

For some reason meeting her gaze felt intense, despite having never met before. As if there was negative unaddressed feelings between them. That gaze made Ryujin break eye contact after a few seconds, looking at Yeji in hopes she wanted to walk away. Because that's everything Ryujin wanted to do.


Wait. Do they know each other?

Oh. Yeji must have had to have the uncomfortable conversation about their engagement. Of course, she would know who she was.

"Were you watching me?" Soyeon questioned, now looking back at Yeji. A strange smile growing as she crossed her arms, waiting for an answer that seemed not to come.

Ryujin observed Yeji, watching her fingers nervously touch her pants. She had never noticed that was something the other did. Noting how adorable it was but trying to focus on the situation they were in instead of such thoughts.

After a few seconds, and without thinking it through, Ryujin stepped up. Speaking up for yeji. "I was curious about you."

Soyeon raised an eyebrow, looking over at her and glancing at Yeji before looking at her once again. Her gaze still too intense. This time however, Ryujin tried not to break it. For some reason feeling she was in an unspoken competition with the other. And she hated losing.

"You were curious about me?"

Humming in response she looked over at Yeji, who looked a little surprised she had spoken up.

"I didn't think you would tell her about it. Good for you, Yeji." The girl was no longer looking at her, focusing instead on Yeji.

"Stop." Yeji's words were barely audible and Ryujin wondered why she was acting like that. She had never seen her sound so small, so... weak. Looking between the two, there was a clear tension and she started to wonder how their relationship had ended. For some reason, she didn't think it had ended amicably.

Soyeon looked back at Ryujin, raising her eyebrows while eyeing her. Making her feel a little self conscious, without even having a reason to feel such way.

"It seems I have made a mistake." glancing over at Yeji for a second, she looked back at Ryujin. "It was nice to finally meet you, Ryujin. And Yeji..." She stopped for a moment, her obviously fake smile fading once she looked at Yeji. "No regrets."

For whatever reason, Yeji looked even more tense once she heard those words. Ryujin wondered if hearing that Soyeon had no regrets caused old feelings to come to light. Or if perhaps those words meant something she didn't understand.

Yeji looked over at her, their eyes meeting. Ryujin could never figure that out. The way she looked at her. It always confused her and this time was no different. But before she could even start to figure it out, Yeji broke their eye contact. "It was good to see but we have to go."

"Of course."

Ryujin was about to bid her goodbyes but she didn't get a chance before Yeji grabbed her forearm and started pulling her along. Allowing herself to go along with it despite the clear confusion on her expression.

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