Chapter 40

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author's note: as always thanks for reading. also keep leaving feedback and comments. those help motivating me

It shouldn't have her this stressed.

It's only dinner with Yeji's brother, so why is Ryujin going through her clothing in search of a outfit that would please the Hwang siblings.

It's ridiculous.

She sighed, shaking her head and deciding against caring more for their approval than her own comfort.

Next thing she knew, she was making a mess of her bathroom. Staring at herself with a satisfied grin on her face once she saw the result of her impulsiveness.

Oh Yeji will lose it once she sees her and Ryujin doesn't care.

For once she doesn't care. At all. She's not even sure why that is and what got something inside her to turn off the being overly sensitive to Yeji's opinion button, but here she is. Maybe it was the fact she nearly had a breakdown trying to choose an outfit to have dinner with her fiancée that hates her.

Yes, that's probably it.

She ran her hand through her hair, observing the now blue colored locks fall on the sides of her face and enjoying every second of it.

With a newfound determination and resolve she moved to her closet and settled on an outfit she liked.

Yeji had excused herself earlier, through text, saying she would be meeting her brother earlier and for Ryujin to meet them at the restaurant. Somehow that didn't bother her. It was one less awkward car ride for her to endure.

"How long have you known Yeji?"

Mr. Handsome can't be much older than they are so surely he didn't know the other for long but she was still curious.

He seemed to hesitate to answer her question until she leaned forward and stared at him, her expression making it clear she wouldn't be giving up.

With a sigh he shook his head, focusing on the road ahead of them. "Since she started university."

"Did you work for her parents before that?"

He shook his head, his eyes still not moving from the road.

"Miss Hwang chose me herself. And before you ask, you'll have to ask her why. That's all I know."

Ryujin rolled her eyes, tapping her finger against the button to open the window.

"Do you like it?"

"I earn well to drive you two around a handful of times. I think anyone would like this job."

"Just say you're in love with us." She joked, making Mr Handsome laugh quietly.

Once they reached the restaurant, he leaned back as she prepared to leave the car. Looking like he was about to say something but stopping himself. After a moment he offered her a nod, "Have a nice evening Miss Shin."

"You too, Mr Handsome."

"Stop calling me that."

"I don't think I will." she responded, already closing the car door behind her.

Ryujin stood outside the restaurant, probably looking just a little too weird for those inside. She kept staring at it, almost as if walking inside would be a big step to take.

Suddenly all the bravery she felt, seemed to disappear. Her hand ran through her hair, feeling all too aware of how Yeji would probably be annoying about that choice. Then she looked down at her outfit. It was expensive but it wasn't exactly fancy dinner with millionaire parents' worthy.

She took a deep breath and shook her head clear of those thoughts. Who cares? It's just Yeji and her brother. Besides, no matter what she did, Yeji would always find an issue with something.

At least Ryujin liked how she looked in that moment.

She nodded to herself and finally decided to step inside, being guided to a table at the back by the hostess.

Ryujin sees the moment that Yeji's brother spots her. Better yet, she sees the moment he nearly choked on water at the sight of her. Trying his best not to cough loudly or laugh. He was just like Yeji, confusing.

"This is going to be fun."

That's what she thinks he might have whispered once she reached the table, though it was far too quietly to be certain of it.

She didn't get to dissect his words however because once she reached their table, Yeji noticed her presence and looked straight at her. Making Ryujin freeze in place.

"You-" Yeji didn't finish whatever it was she was about to say and it was killing her. Because she settled for only staring at her awkwardly instead and Ryujin swears she would have preferred whatever insult Yeji had been about to throw at her.

Meanwhile her brother looked to be all too amused by their interaction or lack of it. If his face was anything to go by.

"Blue is Yeji's favorite color." Hyunjin offered, breaking the intense air between them and making Ryujin finally move to sit besides Yeji.

"I thought it was black." Ryujin innocently replied before being met with a Hyunjin holding his laughter.

"I thought it was blue."

Ryujin gave him a confused look before Yeji finally spoke again.

"It's black."

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