Chapter 71

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(Author's note: short chapter so you don't have to suffer with the cliffhanger for much longer. Thanks for all the comments! I read them all and they really do motivate me, as you can see.)


That's all Ryujin felt as soon as something stopped her from walking into the bedroom.

If it weren't for the warm feeling of Yeji pressed against her, Ryujin would think she was still deep asleep. Dreaming of yet another of the many things she would never think would be coming true.

Yet there she was, Yeji's arms surrounding her while the older and taller girl rested her chin on her shoulder.

Back hugs had always been nothing short of dismissible to her but now, standing there as Yeji held her close from behind, Ryujin finally understood why people loved them.

It didn't last longer than a handful of seconds before Yeji pulled away, clearing her throat awkwardly as she took a step back. Ryujin finally turning around to look at the girl who simply shook her head and moved her hands around. Her words flowing out of her lips as fast as possible, trying her best to explain how she was simply thankful that she wouldn't have to spend this day alone.

"I guess the Christmas spirit got the best of me." With that, Yeji finished her speech, Ryujin only staring at the girl still trying to process what had happened.

Yeji looked softer than ever and yet there was still a barrier between them. The hug seemingly meaningless, seen as the girl before her looked as closed off as ever. Her jaw looking tense as she stood in front of her. As if she hadn't just hugged Ryujin a moment before.

"Thank you"

The words seemed to surprise Yeji. Confusion apparent on her expression. Her eyebrows furrowing as she tilted her head slightly, looking curiously right back at her. An action that Ryujin couldn't help but note as adorable.

"Thank you for letting me in."

Yeji didn't seem too happy to hear those words though, causing Ryujin to worry about what she had just said. As soon as Yeji's expression dropped, a new one came up. Her signature neutral expression, one she was all too used to.

She couldn't figure out what was wrong with her words.

The older girl didn't speak again, offering her a nod and turning around to leave.

Leaving behind a confused Ryujin.

They didn't see each other until the next morning but for the next few hours, Ryujin couldn't help but replay it all in her mind.

How amazing the entire day had gone, how the two of them had got along perfectly fine. But more importantly, how Yeji hugged her.

There was a warmth to the thought, every time it replayed.

Smiling, she couldn't help but be fond of these memories.

Unfortunately, the moments after the hug kept coming into her mind, making her overthink and wonder what she had done wrong.

Ryujin was already downstairs early in the morning, something that was unlike her. Often she would get out of bed late but not that day. Instead she was making herself a cup of coffee and thinking about Yeji when the other walking into the kitchen.

She hadn't even noticed her presence until a hand lightly touched hers, asking for coffee so she could fill her cup as well.

Nearly dropping it, Ryujin flinched at the sudden touch, staring at Yeji who simply busied herself with the cup of coffee. As if nothing had happened the night before.

"Chaeryeong wants to meet tomorrow. She's coming back from her parents' then and suggested we all have dinner together."

Ryujin nodded, putting sugar into her cup and avoiding eye contact. "Will Lia be there?"

"Are you still wary of Chaeryeong and I?"

The younger of the two chuckled, shaking her head. "Can you blame me?"

"I suppose not."

Biting her lower lip, Ryujin finally looked at Yeji who was staring right at her expectantly. "I'll be there."

"I'll let her know."

They didn't speak again, not for the remaining time they each stayed on the kitchen for until each of them excused themselves to their respective floor.

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