Chapter 82

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Ryujin moved to see Yeji reach out to a canvas that was behind her. The painting turned to the wall until Yeji picked it up. Showing her why the other had brought her there and why she had hesitated so much to do so.

Ryujin could tell what it was right away. A very detailed painting of the view from when they ditched school to sit together in one of her favorite spots in the city.

"I was going to give you this for Christmas but I thought maybe it would be too much."

"Too much?"

Yeji nodded, observing as Ryujin reached to hold the painting and inspected it.

"I didn't want you to think anything of it."

Then, without much thought behind her words, Ryujin spoke again. "What if I did?"

Yeji didn't respond.

"Would I be wrong?"


Ryujin wasn't looking at Yeji the moment she got the answer and for that, she was secretly thankful.

Holding the painting and staring at it but deep in her thoughts, she was trying not to lose her composure.

Could she read into the one word answer? Should she? Or was it just another confusing moment by Yeji who was an expert at playing with her mind with her words and actions.

Ryujin wanted nothing less than to believe wholeheartedly it meant something. She desperately wanted to believe so. That was the sign she had looked for for the months they had spent engaged. Yet now that she had it, she wasn't too sure what to do about it.

Not only was she unsure if she should trust it. But she's also unsure of where her heart stands in the situation.

Sure, she has a clear interest on Yeji. And not only because she's undoubtedly the most attractive woman she's ever met. Yet everything about them felt like a waving red flag. Warning her to stay away and maybe she had started to listen along the way.

This was everything she had wanted and now that it was there, Ryujin was left confused. Her grip tightening around the painting she had been holding. Her eyes focused on nothing and on the familiar view at the same time. Yeji standing right there, probably waiting for a reaction that had yet to come.

She was trying, to figure out what to say. To select her words. To gain the courage to react. To make a decision.

But Yeji beat her to it.

"It's okay. You know? It's okay."

Ryujin looked at Yeji who bit her lower lip before shrugging and walking away to nervously touch other objects laying around her studio. Busying herself with anything but Ryujin's reaction.


"It was meaningful for me. That day. But it's okay if it wasn't-"

"No." Ryujin let out instantly, once her brain figured out what she meant.

Yeji looked back at her, her expression much softer than Ryujin was used to. It made her feel nervous somehow. In a different way than her powerful image did.

"I mean," Ryujin sighed, nervously running a hand through her hair, "Yes. It did."


She nodded.


It looked like Yeji was about to say something else when she suddenly received a call, the sudden noise catching both of them off guard. The older one of them looking to hesitate before picking up. Leaving Ryujin on her own, finally setting down the painting she had been holding and slowly starting to take in the details of the other's studio.

After a couple of minutes, Yeji spoke again. This time close to her. "Sorry. My mother wants me to fill in for a missing dance teacher once I finish my classes."

"Right. Your classes."

Yeji smiled, shrugging.

"Should I go then? I bet there's a bus stop around here somewhere."

Yeji rolled her eyes in response. "What have I told you about that?"

"I thought..." Ryujin thought back to what the other had told her. About not using the bus as that would create a bad impression of her. Surely that no longer reflected on Yeji therefore did not apply. Right?

"You don't get it, do you?" Yeji asked, sighing and grabbing the painting while starting to move towards the door.

"What don't I get?" Ryujin questioned, her hand stopping Yeji from fully opening the door or attempting to leave before answering. The both of them standing close to each other, stares defying each other.

"Too much, Ryujin."

"You'll have to use your big girl words, Yeji." She countered, not bothering to move.

"It was an excuse, okay? As most things were." Yeji finally let out, pushing her arm away and moving to leave the studio. Ryujin still standing there, alone with her thoughts as the other waited by the elevator.

"Wait." Finally snapping out of her thoughts, Ryujin followed her. Closing the door behind her and entering just in time to avoid the elevator doors that were closing.

Yeji leaned against the wall, arms crossed. Looking as intimidating as ever but still holding the painting she now knew to mean something to both of them.

"I thought you hated me, you know?"

"I know. Maybe I wanted you to."


"Because I didn't like the alternative."

"What's the alternative?" Ryujin was standing on the other side, leaning against the opposite wall until the door opened again and Yeji left. Making her rush to do the same and catch up. Taking a turn to get to Yeji's car, she was caught off guard by the other girl who suddenly stopped her. Holding her arm and making them stand way too close.

"Don't you know yet?"

Ryujin raised an eyebrow, trying not to feel nervous but Yeji's stare was making her feel like there were wrong answers to the questions and she was terrified to ruin everything.

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