Chapter 10

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Things have been as cold as ice since they had last spoken. Yeji had retired to her floor and left Ryujin by herself in the living room. Thinking everything would be a little better now. Considering the day before Yeji had thanked her and that morning she even offered her car for Ryujin to drive Yuna to school. And yet, somehow, things quickly went back to how they were.

Actually, things had gotten worse.

Earlier they had discussed having classes at the same time and she thought they had wordlessly agreed to go together, in Yeji's car. As they normally do. And yet, when Ryujin got to the ground floor there was no sign of Yeji. So she walked outside to see that there was no car in the driveway.

Yeji had left her behind.

Maybe at this point she shouldn't be surprised by things like this. Considering who the girl was and how cold and rude she could be.

But she had thoughts things were starting to change and now, here she was, having to catch a bus because Yeji had left her home instead of giving her a ride.

She's not even sure if she had done anything to upset her or if it was just one of her bitchy moments.

Honestly, the school day wasn't even that bad. By now she was fairly used to her classes being taught in Korean and since she was ahead of her classes, Ryujin could sit there almost daydreaming to pass the time.

Unfortunately, her mind seemed to find itself filled with thoughts of Yeji. The more time passed, the more she thought about the other girl. And the more details her daydreams would have.

Ryujin could imagine Yeji perfectly. All the little details she wasn't even fully aware that she had noticed, included in her mind's version of her fiancée. As well as the things she had unconsciously learned about her.

Such as how Yeji seemed to love the color black, if her choice in decoration and clothing was anything to go by. Or how yogurt was her favorite ice cream. How she was almost automatic at taking photos, always posing in the same way like a robot, which she found incredibly amusing. The fact there's always a stash of snacks and chocolate in the house and it seems to rotate too often so she's pretty sure Yeji is somewhat addicted. Yeji wears glasses or contacts. She sometimes carries a big bag to school which she isn't sure of the content. And she could probably go on with all the useless facts she now had learned.

It didn't even matter though. Truth was that despite neither of them wanting to refer to it as a business, there was and would never be anything more to it than that.

Despite how sometimes Ryujin felt bold and confident about being able to win Yeji over. She knew better. It was unrealistic to think she could do so, even if she was charismatic. Maybe she could slowly better their relationship, with the passing of years, she's sure they can be less at odds than they are now. But she can't fully allow herself to believe that they'll ever have anything more than maybe a friendship.

It would be cruel to allow herself to hope for something that deep down she knew would never happen.

Maybe she should start carefully considering the candidates for her future affair. Yeji had likely already given it some thought.

Ryujin couldn't focus on anything else during the entire day. Her mind going over everything that had been going on with the older girl. Playing over every interaction between them, reminding her of everything she knew about her and how unfairly attractive she was.

Had things been different and if Yeji didn't have a personality of a cardboard, she would likely be attracted to her.

But considering their current situation and everything she knew about Yeji, she couldn't see her that way. Sure, she was beautiful but Ryujin couldn't imagine being into her. Maybe if she was the affair and it was something physical. But not in any other situation.

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