Chapter 49

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It's been two months since she had last seen Yeji.

Two full months without the girl she had grown fond of.

Even at their university, they never ran into each other again.

Maybe it was for the best.

For the first couple of weeks, Ryujin had found herself struggling to find joy without Yeji. Which seemed entirely too dramatic to both Lia and Yuna who had to deal with her moody attitude.

But now? She tried her best not to think of the good moments. Or imagine Yeji's stupidly beautiful features.

Mostly she tried to avoid thinking about it as much as possible. Trying to focus on her life. Something consistent of school work and the occasional hang out with Lia and her sister.

She had found an apartment of her own, though she's still hesitating to call it home. But it's her own space and it feels as comfortable as can be.

Ryujin interacted with a few girls since. Including her ex, who she had to explain to that kissing her when they snuck out of that party had been a mistake and wouldn't be happening again. Other girls had tried to flirt with her too. Sometimes it would be girls from her classes, other times the baristas who would leave notes on the drinks she would order.

Truth was, she looked at them and found herself comparing the girls to Yeji.

It was ridiculous and deeply unfair to these girls. Not to mention looks aren't everything. Yet she would do it without thinking about it.

Sometimes she would still give it a try. Have a cup of coffee with them. But then they would be sitting opposite to her, going along with what she said and without challenging her. Or they would order their food and not wordlessly beg to trade with her. Or they would just be upfront about their feelings, smiling at everything she said, no matter how stupid. And Ryujin would find herself wishing they would bicker with her. That they would challenge her.

Maybe she's a masochist.

Maybe she enjoys the pain.

Or maybe she just couldn't forget Yeji.

But she tried.

Every day she went out there to live her life and tried again.

Ryujin wasn't sure what would come of this decision. Would her parents find her someone else to marry? Should she do it herself? Was she allowed to?

There had been no such discussions with her parents but sometimes she would dwell on it.

Thinking back to her dating life and all the girls she had feelings for previously, Ryujin didn't think it would be easy to find herself someone to marry.

She sat by the window overlooking the city. It was night time and the view from her apartment was simply too beautiful. It was the last floor, overlooking the city. Lights illuminating it despite the darkness of the night.

Ryujin thought back to how it all started.

Smiling to herself as she thought of the girl who once gave her the nickname she cherished, pretty monkey.

Sometimes she wondered where she was. Thinking back at the circumstances of their meeting, Ryujin hoped that the girl had found the happiness she had been looking for.

Maybe one day Ryujin would find it too.

The doorbell rang, interrupting her silly thoughts of a crush from ten years ago. This time she wasn't playing music loudly, so why was her neighbor at her door?

Sighing, she made her way to the door, opening it immediately.

Of all things that could be expecting her on the other side of that door, this was the most unexpected one.

Ryujin blinked, once, twice, three times. Making sure it was real.

Sure enough, there she was.

Hwang Yeji.

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