Chapter 27

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(author's note: sorry for the long wait. this chapter was supposed to be much longer but i'm posting it like this because i didn't want to keep you waiting for even longer for an update. i'll try to finish the other half of it soon to post it but have this now as a sign i didn't give up on this story.)

Ryujin was laying on the living room couch, facing the ceiling and going over her thoughts and worries. Most of all, she kept replaying her conversation with her father. As if doing so provided her with an answer to her newfound dilemma.

Surely, the right answer was to tell Yeji she can walk away.

But, somehow, and much to her dismay, that terrified her. Because she knew, Yeji would walk away without having to think twice about it.

And maybe Ryujin didn't want that.

"Did you drink that much?"

The now familiar voice snapped her out of her thoughts, Ryujin's head turning to face the girl who had just entered the living room.

"I'm just thinking."

Yeji didn't say anything else, simply moving to sit on the other couch and making herself busy with her phone.

"Will you eat lunch with me?" she suddenly asked. Not really sure why she bothered, given that Yeji always refused to do so. And yet, here she was, trying once again. Maybe she was desperate. Perhaps if they spent more time together then Yeji wouldn't choose to walk away.

The alcohol might have loosen up Yeji because somehow, her response wasn't the one she had been expecting. Instead she received a nod. Cold however, it was something. And Ryujin would make sure to cherish it.

Not that she actually expected Yeji to follow through. She would likely either forget or ignore the fact she had agreed to spend her lunch time together. In fact, she was surprised to not be able to pick on any hint of instant regret.

"Your mother thinks you're insufferable."

The sudden comment only caused her to break into a chuckle that she tried hard to control. Yeji wasn't wrong. Both her parents thought that of her and with good reason. But it was all with love, so it never affected their relationship.

"Is that what you two were talking about?"

"Amongst other things."

Ryujin looked over at the older girl with a questioning eyebrow raise that Yeji seems to not notice. Her eyes still focused on her phone and paying no attention at all to her movements.

"Are you going to share?"

"Are you going to tell me what you and your father were talking about?" Yeji countered, finally glancing over at her before looking back at her phone.

She sighed, frustrated and curious but knowing full well there was no way she would tell Yeji about that. Not yet. "Fair enough."

After a few moments of silence that felt entirely too long in her opinion, Yeji finally got up from the couch and started to walk away. Only to stop before completely disappearing from the living room, looking back at Ryujin who was already staring.

"Meet me at my painting class tomorrow. For lunch."

Ryujin nodded, trying to wrap her head around the fact that she seemed serious about accepting her invite. Which meant she would spend the entirety of lunch time with Yeji, something rather worrisome considering their track record. Every time she thought things were getting better, something happened. So she wouldn't celebrate yet. Or at all.

They barely crossed paths the next morning. Yeji didn't bother to ask her if she wanted a ride to school and Ryujin didn't ask for one either. Something painfully common these days. Now that Ryujin had her own method of transportation there wasn't a reason or excuse for them to go together. At least not one that wouldn't have her awkwardly explaining to Yeji that she should absolutely take her to school because they're a couple as far as everyone is concerned.

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