Chapter 85

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Ryujin took a deep breath, trying to gather her thoughts before speaking. Anything she said now would determine the future. Their future.

"I'm glad you felt that you could finally trust me with that. I know it must not have been easy to be stuck in that situation while you were in a loving relationship with someone else. I'm sorry for my attitude at the time, Im guessing it only made everything harder."

Yeji nodded slightly, interrupting her which she found surprising. "It did but maybe not for the reason you think."

"What does that mean?"

"It slowly started to affect my relationship. It shouldn't have but I allowed it to. I was supposed to be pushing you away but sure enough you were being more successful than you think at tearing down my walls."

"I was?"

Yeji nodded, looking shy about it.

"I had no idea. I really thought I could never affect you. Your persona, that cold act, the lack of expressions, the way i seemed to never do well. I was so sure you hated me."

Ryujin sighed, her hand nervously brushing back her hair.

"I never tried that hard for someone before. Maybe I didn't do it in the right way, maybe I should have had a different approach. But there was something about you that got me off my game.

Game. That's all it's ever been to me before. With everyone else. Don't get me wrong, i've cared for others but mostly, I didn't. I kept pointing fingers at you claiming you were so careless but i've always been the one who's cold. I've lived my life going from one hook up to another. Causal flirting, making out, never dating someone seriously. I've never wanted to. Never tried to commit.

I didn't expect my parents to ever set me up with a woman. I was so sure that i'd be set up with a man and I was prepared for it. I thought I could just keep living like that, having casual flings. And then you walked into that meeting room.

Do you know the affect you had on me?

The moment i saw you, you threw me off my game and I never really recovered.

But i'm not sitting here having this conversation with you to declare myself or to try and get you. I'm here because I want to know you.

Because I'd like to know the real you. The one I've only gotten a glimpse of. The one I know so little about.

I want to be your friend before anything else."

Yeji nodded, smiling softly.

"I'd also like to thank you for taking care of Tuk." She added, smiling widely at the other.

"He took care of me, actually. You're right, things aren't not as scary or lonely when he's around."

Ryujin smiled again, listening to the girl speak. "Would you like to keep him still?"

Yeji's eyes widened and she immediately nodded. Looking all too excited about it and Ryujin found it extremely adorable.

"I wish we had kept in touch." Ryujin let out, exhaling loudly.

"That's all your fault. I tried to search for you."

"I was forced to move to France." Ryujin let out dramatically.



Yeji chuckled, "So you were halfway across the world."

Ryujin nodded.

"But that's in the past." she said, shrugging. "I'm here now. We can pick up where we left off all those years ago. Skip the mess we made and try again."

"I'd love that, Ryujin."

"So would I, Yeji."




(author's note: there will be a part 2 in another book but for now it is the end. If you want, check out my other stories until the next book and continuation starts)

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