Chapter 48

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Yeji was in the kitchen and Ryujin was all too aware of this.

She had been trying her best to work up the courage to go downstairs and just tell her the truth.

Her things were packed already and Lia knew she would be staying over. Yet Ryujin hesitated to move.

That was it. Months of trying and it all came down to this.

Ryujin wasn't used to it. She always won. But she supposed this wasn't like the games she plays. Maybe she doesn't get to win when it comes to Yeji.

"You can do it." she whispered to herself, finally getting inside of the elevator and pushing the button.

Walking into the kitchen, she quietly observed as Yeji cooked. Smiling at the sight. Yeji hadn't noticed her presence yet so she let herself move to the music playing through her airpods. It wasn't the first time Ryujin had witnessed it, but it still made her smile all the same. Seeing Yeji have fun dancing around while preparing her meal.

Ryujin liked seeing her happy.

Maybe that's the worst part of it all.

That she knows how hurtful what she's about to admit will be. How it will ruin Yeji's day.

It's the last thing she wants but she can't change her past selfish decisions.

She can only come clean and end it.

Yeji turned around, a moment later. Catching her off guard, the both of them staring at each other in surprise.

The older girl immediately removing one of her airpods. "I was-"

Ryujin nodded, offering her a quick smile that easily faded away. "It smells nice."

Yeji didn't respond, only staring at how awkward she was, standing there.

"I need to tell you something."

Offering her the most intimidating eyebrow raise, she stared right at her. Making Ryujin feel even more nervous now. But she had to do this. There's no way she would back out now.

"My father told me I can end this. He will talk to your parents and make sure they agree to it."

"What?" The word was barely audible. She wasn't even sure if Yeji meant to say it or if it had slipped out. She could see the shock on her face, the wheels turning on her mind. The way she looked to be in disbelief was partially amusing and partially heartbreaking.

Not that she expected the other to be sad about it. She knew better, but it didn't hurt any less to see her body lose some of the tension she must have been holding for months.

"I packed my things already. Lia will be here any minute now to pick me up." She continued, her voice failing her as she spoke the words. There was no way she would cry. No. She would hold on to the knot on her throat and the tears threatening to fall until she was out of Yeji's sight.

"It's over?"

Ryujin could only nod.

"You're not messing with me, are you? Because if you are-"

"No." Ryujin shook her head, taking a step forward before running a hand through her hair. Letting out an ironic chuckle before speaking again. "It wasn't fair but I could have ended this a while ago. I just thought maybe-" she waved her hand in dismissal, "It doesn't matter anymore."

"How long did you know this for?"

She shrugged, "Far too long to be forgiven."

Yeji looked... She couldn't quite figure her out. It wasn't the outburst of anger she had expected and it wasn't the celebration she could see happening either. It was mostly confusion mixed with shock. And Ryujin wasn't sure if that's better or worse.

"I supposed this is goodbye then."

She nodded. Bitting her lower lip to keep the tears from falling.

Lia was still dating Chaeryeong and Yeji was her best friend. Maybe they'd occasionally see each other. But would they speak? Would they ever share a meal with each other again? Would they have car rides together? And would they go out to eat ice cream? Would she get to see Yeji hoarding snacks like a happy kid? Or dancing while cooking? Would she witness the puffy eyes she tried so hard to hide from her whenever she barely slept, making Ryujin want to hug her? Or see her nearly pout because she stubbornly ordered something she didn't like and wanted to exchange it for her food?

When it was time to walk away, it was hard to keep in mind all the bad things. All that ran through her mind was the good moments, albeit they were few to mention. But she would hold on to those and keep them safe in her memories of the girl.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier and kept this up for so long thinking maybe I could make it work."

Yeji cleared her throat, still staring at Ryujin as if she was in shock. "I don't want your apology. I want you to go now."

She could only nod. Turning around to walk out of the kitchen she would probably never see again.

Right before leaving it for good, Ryujin took one last moment to look at Yeji, taking in what she was walking away from.

Her bags were outside the door. She didn't want to wait inside. It would probably only make Yeji uncomfortable, after the way she tricked her.

Of course, to make the day worse, it started to rain.

More like pour, actually.

She was sitting on the stairs to the door, feeling each drop against her body and taking it in without protesting. She deserved it anyways.

At least the weather matched her mood, she thought to herself, closing her eyes and leaning her head up. Allowing the rain to fall on her face.

Anyone who saw her in that moment thought she had lost it and they wouldn't be wrong.

There's always a positive though. At least they wouldn't be able to see her tears through the rain drops.

Suddenly it stopped. The water stopped pouring down her face, making her eyebrows furrow. Eyes still closed, she could hear the noise of the drops on the surfaces surrounding her and yet, she was no longer feeling them on her skin.


That was her first thought the moment she opened her eyes, revealing an umbrella above her.

She moved her head, now facing the one holding it and being disappointed to find Lia instead.

"Why are you frowning? I just saved you from a cold."

Ryujin nodded, looking past Lia to the door behind them. Wishing it would open to reveal Yeji asking her to get inside. But it didn't. Not even when she sat in the pouring rain.

"Let's go, monkey."

She didn't say a word, allowing Lia to drag her to the car.

Sitting on the passenger seat, Ryujin couldn't help but take one last look at the house she had shared with Yeji. The one that would never be her home. In the moment filled with wishful thinking and a cold threatening to overcome her, she imagined Yeji looking through her living room. But quickly dismissed it as a product of her imagination.

(author's note: was this the reaction you expected from yeji? what had you guessed would happen?)

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