Chapter 17

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(Author's note: kind of short update but hopefully it's alright)

It somehow had already been nearly two months since Ryujin had first met her now fiancée and things hadn't got much easier for her since.

She thought with time surely they would grow close together. It was simply a matter of getting to know each other and letting life do its thing.

And yet, that was far from the reality she was facing.

As much as Ryujin had hoped they would get along, that was the furthest thing from the truth. Even after these glimpses of what could have been Yeji's humanity, nothing would ever come of it. Much to her dismay.

Truly, she had probably been expecting too much but wasn't it justified after the glimpses of an attitude change she occasionally got? Of course, they never lasted for long and consisted mostly of Yeji not being completely awful. It really wasn't positive, but it was better. Although, they'd end as fast as they came to happen. So Ryujin kept on giving herself false hope by holding unto those moments, thinking they must mean something.

After nearly two months, she could barely name 10 facts about Yeji. And she's sure the other wouldn't be able to do the same about her.

Honestly, after Yeji somehow joined her flour fight with Lia and then proceeded to help her clean up, Ryujin had been left filled with newfound hope and confidence. And yet, nothing came of it. She had tried, to have conversations and even to hang out with Yeji. But the older girl had been adamant in avoiding her. She wasn't even sure why.

Ryujin wanted to ask Yeji something. Or rather, for her permission. So that Yuna could spend the weekend at her house, with them. Her sister had been persistently annoying about it and Ryujin had ran out of patience so she would prefer to get it over with. Her original plan had been to wait until things with Yeji had got better however, that did not seem to be happening anytime soon.

"I'm going to ask you a question and before you say no, let me finish speaking."

That seemed to catch the other's attention, her eyes peaking behind the book she had been reading. "Go on then."

She sighed, preparing herself to argue in favor of her sister staying over.

"Can Yuna stay for the weekend?" She asked, taking a breath before continue her prepared speech for why she should be allowed over. "I already told her she wouldn't be allowed on your floor and that she should respect your privacy and personal space. I know she can be very energetic, it's like having a chihuahua around, but she'll be on her best behavior."

Yeji seemed to mull it over for a few seconds, nodding before looking back at her book. "Sure."

Ryujin blinked once, then twice. Staring at the girl who had so casually agreed to her request and was now giving her full attention to the book on her hands.

Then her mind went over how Yeji had also allowed Yuna inside her house, made breakfast for her, leaned Ryujin her personal car so she could drive her sister to school and even went as far as to compliment her looks.

Did Hwang Yeji have a crush on her sister?

Her face automatically frowned at the thought. Yuna might be, by any and all standards, beautiful, but she was far too young for someone Yeji's age. Besides, hadn't she told her that she was not interested in women? So why did she seem to have a soft spot for her sister, immediately upon meeting her?

"I can say no, if that would wipe that ugly frown from of your face."

Ryujin suddenly snapped out of her thoughts, realizing Yeji's eyes were on her again. Her eyebrows raised in curiosity and probably confusion. It wasn't as if she could or should explain why she had been frowning for the last however long. Instead of smiling as she should have been since Yeji had actually agreed to the Shin sisters' sleepover.

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