Chapter 32

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"How do I look?"

Those were the first words Ryujin spoke when she entered the room. Yeji already waiting for her as they were supposed to leave soon.

Instead of receiving an immediate response, the older of the two simply stared for a second, clearing her throat a moment later as she got up.

"Let's go before we are late." was all Yeji said as she walked past her. But Ryujin didn't fail to spot how the other had snuck a glance just as she passed her by. Leaving her wondering what it meant.

Was her outfit not up to her impossibly high standards? Because Ryujin had tried hard, for once. If that was the case, then she would be disappointed. She had spent the time since arriving from classes until that very moment getting ready for the Hwangs' business party and was hoping to earn some points with Yeji for her effort.

She followed the girl out of the house. Tonight neither of them would be driving. Instead, Yeji had called Mr. Handsome to be their chauffeur and Ryujin was thankful for that.

Maybe it meant Yeji was planning on drinking. Something that could, potentially, make her loosen up slightly. Perhaps they could even have a conversation. Was that being too hopeful?

Ryujin didn't feel excited for this. Of course, the idea of a party should come with excitement but never when it's a family company party. Even if it isn't hers. They weren't there to have fun and enjoy themselves. They were there to promote the business and create positive business connections with the other guests. Something she absolutely hated.

But she would do it. For Yeji.

"You look great." she suddenly stated, no prompting necessary. They had been silent for a while now when she blurted out the words, causing the other to look at her before clicking her tongue and dismissing the compliment.

"I know."

Ryujin wasn't bothered though. In fact, she found Yeji's confidence amusing, smiling to herself.

They were sitting on the back of the car, being driven to the party in question. It was a launch of some product made by the other's parents' company. Apparently, it was to be lucrative and could increase business. She overheard Yeji speak to her parents about that during breakfast but was only half paying attention to what was said. Besides, she could only hear Yeji's side of it.

Ryujin fully expecting her parents to be present but her father was on a business trip and her mother seemed to be busy with work. Honestly, it was for the best that they wouldn't be around.

"Dad wants us to take some family photos at the event. And to make sure we post about it."

Ryujin only hummed in agreement. That was why they were there after all. To help with business and social media exposure. Not that she understood why what either of them posted seemed to matter. Logically, it was because people cared about what both of them did on social media. But she didn't understand why. Sure, she was charming but, who cares?

Soon enough, they were at the party. Last time they went to one, it was different. Calmer. At her father's birthday party they had to deal with rich families and business men, mellow music and gourmet food. Here, the music was slightly louder as several advertisements for the product played on the screens displayed all around them. There were camera flashes going off from any and all directions from time to time and the crowd seemed more diverse. She could easily spot several people their age, moving around at the crowd.

Next thing she knew, the Hwangs had happily said their greetings as they nudged them to the front of the cameras that were now flashing as the family posed together. Herself included.

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