Chapter 26

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Ryujin wasn't sure what she had expected of that night but, it surely hadn't been that. In fact, drinking while hanging out with only Yeji and avoiding anyone else was something unthinkable. She had fully expected the other girl to have ditched her or to be acting far too uptight. And yet, there she was drinking and looking just as tired as Ryujin from dealing with those people. The ones she had often associated her with.

Perhaps she had been wrong. Was it possible that the both of them were more alike than she realized?

"Will you ever stop staring?" Yeji whispered, barely glancing at her before looking back at the crowd.

Ryujin had got them something to eat just minutes before and they were now sat in a corner, watching as the party went on. But the food wasn't what stole all her attention, no. Not when Yeji was sitting besides her looking far too perfect to be real.

"Maybe when you stop looking like that." She countered, shrugging as if her words were something normal to say.

Yeji didn't look surprised by them, however, she scrunched up her nose before shaking her head. "I can't wait for you to get tired of it."

She chuckled lightly, clicking her tongue while she thought about it. Maybe one day she would give up on trying. Maybe she wouldn't. Ryujin couldn't say what the future held in store for them but, she knew that one thing was for sure. Ryujin wouldn't get tired of looking at Yeji.

Now she could only hope to dive deeper into who Yeji is. Because she needs something to hold onto. She needs more than her flawless looks to motivate her. So far her motivation had came in the form of the quick glances of humanity and personality that Yeji had shown but, those weren't enough. Ryujin needed more. She wanted more.

Maybe it was selfish but when she looked at the girl, she sometimes caught herself thinking about how boring it would have been if she had been arranged to match someone else. And whenever she was reminded of the fact Yeji hated their situation with a burning passion, she felt terrible for finding their predicament mildly interesting. Albeit frustrating and hurtful most of the time.

Perhaps it was the alcohol, or maybe she was simply feeling bold. But the next few words slip up from her lips without any hesitation. "I won't get tired of getting to know you." Causing Yeji to seemingly close her eyes for a second too long before opening them again. Something she didn't fail to notice.

"That's not what I meant." Yeji countered, her voice somehow deeper.

"I know." She shrugged, biting into some of the food between them. "I just thought you should know that."

Neither of them spoke for a while. But it didn't go over Ryujin how occasionally, she caught Yeji glancing at her. Not for long and it wasn't as if she looked any particular way. She was simply looking. Silently and expressionless.

As they finally bid their goodbyes to her parents, she could see how they seemed fond of the girl besides her. Their smile was genuine as they all spoke and Yeji's... there was a smile but it wasn't her usual one. It seemed hesitant but not quite as fake as the one she had put on when interacting with the others at the party.

"I hope Ryujin hasn't given you too much trouble." Her mother said, smiling at the cat eyed girl.

"She can be a handful but..." for some reason, unbeknownst to her, Yeji paused for a second while she glanced over at her. Looking back to meet her mother's gaze Yeji smiled at the woman in front of them. "I've found that I can handle her."

Ryujin couldn't help but stare curiously at the girl, as she continued to speak to her parents. Maybe it was the alcohol but looking at Yeji interacting with them, was starting to make her feel some type of way. She couldn't exactly tell why or what she was feeling but there was something about that view.

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