Chapter 24

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It wasn't long before they spotted the two girls, purchasing food together and looking friendly than they had just minutes before. It confused Ryujin but she dismissed it as the two of them having made up. Perhaps even got together somehow.

Lia hadn't told her much about it all, having only said she had walked away when things got serious. She honestly didn't know what their relationship was like and if they did in fact still have feeling for each other. But looking at the way they interacted, Ryujin could bet that Lia did have a soft spot for Chaeryeong. While the latter looked completely whipped.

Smiling and feeling a great sense of relief, she nudged Yuna to approach the two. Part of her didn't want to interrupt their time alone but, she wanted to know if all was well and maybe build a connection with Chaeryeong. Who she seemed to have problems with, considering their last encounter.

"Ryujin. Yuna. Sorry for leaving." Lia looked apologetic, looking down before offering them a soft smile. Neither her or her sister were mad or upset about such thing though and so they smiled back. Handing out the drinks to the two of them. Her eyes meeting Chaeryeong's and a tension building as they did so. She never did apologize for how she acted towards her best friend, Yeji. Who was now also missing from their group because of what she had said. Great.

Just as she was starting to hope Chaeryeong wouldn't ask, she did so. Breaking the awkward silence between them. "Where's Yeji?"

Was the awkwardness too clear? Because as soon as she asked, her nose scrunch up and she took a deep breath. Looking mildly irritated as she glared at her. Chaeryeong might not look intimidating like Yeji but she didn't exactly look friendly in that moment.

"She just walked away."

Then Chaeryeong rolled her eyes, "I had high hopes for you." She muttered, walking past her but bumping into her shoulder slightly as she did so. Leaving Ryujin to stare into nothing, blinking as she tried to think of a response.

She came up with nothing but it didn't matter anyways, because Chaeryeong was walking away from the group with the others trailing behind.

Soon enough she caught up to them, as they looked for Yeji who apparently didn't want to pick up her phone. Ryujin scoffed at her petty actions. This time it was hardly her fault as all she had done was state that she did like Yeji before the girl suddenly snapped and insisted she didn't. As if she knew a thing about what Ryujin thinks or feels.

They decide to go their separate ways to find the older girl, even though she wasn't exactly interested in doing so. Of course, she still wanted forgiveness and to have a good relationship with Yeji. Yet, it bothered her to have been called out like that.

As much as she denied it, Yeji was right.

That was something she would only admit in the comfort and privacy of her mind.

Yeji was right about what she had said.

How could Ryujin like her when she hardly knew her? It would be more accurate to say that Ryujin found herself interested and curious about the older girl. And that she was obviously attracted to her. Something she had also been called out on, which was embarrassing. She didn't have a problem with Yeji knowing that she was attracted to her, it had been something she made abundantly clear. Yet she didn't want to have it put out there so clearly by the person she was attracted to.

Did that give Yeji a reason to walk away like that? She didn't think so. It's not as if either of them had signed up for their current situation and had been promised honest and genuine feelings between them. Then again, Ryujin had been upset about the lack of connection between them as well. Perhaps the same was true for Yeji who seemed to have a hard time opening up to others. Or at least to Ryujin.

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