Chapter 31

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It's been days since they ditched their classes and found themselves sitting on Yeji's car together. It's been days since Ryujin managed to relax Yeji, who seemed distressed about her school results. And days since she had seen the sketch Yeji had created of her.

It had also been days since she decided not to say a word about what had happened.

And neither did Yeji.

Neither of them mentioned that day. How somehow they had found comfort in the afternoon spent together. How both were content and relaxed afterwards. It was as if none of it had happened.

Ryujin wasn't sure how to feel about it. But she definitely didn't want to pressure Yeji into talking about it or even acknowledging it.

Yet, every day she kept wishing for a repeat of what had happened.

Not that she wanted to ditch again, nor do exactly what they had done that day. She just wanted to sit besides Yeji without feeling weird and without negative words or Yeji being ridiculously difficult to deal with.

"What are you wearing?" Yeji asked the moment she saw her.

They had been going to school together, whenever their schedules were similar. Not that it was ever discussed they would do so. It had simply become part of their routine. Go downstairs, silently eat breakfast, go get ready and then leave the house together. That had actually become the order after Ryujin spilled food all over her clothes and Yeji insisted she should just start changing after eating. Stupid, if you asked her but she still obliged.

"What do you mean?" she asked curiously, looking down at herself.

She was wearing her most comfortable hoodie, some branded sweatpants and her trusty sneakers she had for longer than expected. It was all expensive and also incredibly comfortable.

Yeji did not seem to be a fan though, sighing before rolling her eyes. "You're not serious. Right?"

Ryujin stared silently for a second with her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to think of why the other was saying that.

"Did i spill something again?" She questioned, starting to inspect her hoodie before Yeji spoke again.

"You are serious." her voice was small and she could feel the slight judgement. As she looked at her she could only see Yeji shake her head before clicking her tongue. "Enjoy your bike"

Suddenly the older girl was opening the front door, leaving her staring in confusion.

"Wait." she yelled out, "What?"

Rushing to pick up her tote bag and tripping over her own feet to follow the older girl out of the house.

"Yeji." she called out, seeing her already getting into the car on her own.

The other ignored her though and started the car instead of responding. Only making her rush even more.

"Don't you dare." She yelled out, running towards the car and trying to open the passenger seat door only to find it locked.


"Are you serious?"

Yeji didn't even spare a glance her way, not until her next word.


Maybe it was better when she wasn't looking because Yeji's death stare was rather intimidating.

Ryujin did not let go of the door though, one hand trying to open it and the other tapping on the window.

She wasn't good at reading lips. That was her conclusion when Yeji started to mouth something from the inside of the car. Or at least speak way too low for her to actually hear it.

"I have no idea what you're saying." She sighed, resting her forehead on the window and staring intensively at Yeji. "Just let me in."

Then, the window rolled down.

"Enjoy your ride." Yeji smiled.

Well, it was more like an evil smirk but it caught her off guard for a second as her eyes widened in shock. Just before taking this opportunity to win this argument.

Suddenly she threw her bag inside the car and started to put her arms and head through the window, causing Yeji to yell.

"Get off."

Yeji's hand was pushing her back but that didn't stop her from continuing.

"No." she grunted, struggling to open the car door from the inside while fighting off Yeji who kept trying to prevent that.

"We are going to be late." Ryujin argued.

"And whose fault is that?" Yeji countered, nearly accidentally poking her eye.

"Yours." She yelled out before managing to finally open the door from the inside. "And stop trying to make me go blind." she added, running a hand through her messy hair while opening the door to get inside properly this time around.

"If I'm blind then i won't get to see my attractive fiancée again." she flirted, obviously trying to sound as cheesy as possible. Something she knew bothered the other.

Yeji almost looked like she had suddenly got nauseous as she looked at her in disgust. Suddenly starting to push her again. "That's it. Get off my car"

Ryujin laughed, sitting down and closing the door next to her.

"I hate you." Yeji let out, seemingly admitting defeat as she grabbed the wheel and gave her a side glance.

She couldn't help but smile, because she didn't believe those words. Not for a second. Maybe Yeji didn't like her at all the way she would like her to but, she didn't hate her. Not judging by the corner of her lip that was betraying her and wanting to form a smile.

After a few minutes of silence, while Ryujin looked out of the window at the morning view and Yeji focused on driving, the older of the two spoke again.

"You look like a monkey."

Ryujin chuckled, looking at herself in the side mirror. Her ears peeking out of the hood of her hoodie, making her look just a little too childish. But she didn't care. It made her feel comfortable and it was familiar. A habit she had had since she could remember existing. One she did not plan on getting rid of.

"A pretty monkey?" she asked, smiling at Yeji in a teasing way.

Only earning an eye roll in response and some mumbled words she couldn't quite decipher.

Only earning an eye roll in response and some mumbled words she couldn't quite decipher

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