Chapter 80

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Ryujin hadn't imagined her day would be including observing Yeji batting. Yet there she was, standing impressed as Yeji managed to hit every ball thrown at her.

Hwang Yeji was nothing short of surprising.

Of course, Ryujin took this as an opportunity to show off and do just as good. The reality however was not that. She did not do nearly as well. Her head was definitely not on the game and she missed a flying baseball while thinking about the other girl. Causing Yeji to make a noise that Ryujin took offense to. Which then caused her to pout and bicker with the older girl, therefore distracting her even more.

Yeji seemed amused once Ryujin walked out of the batting cage. Clearly she was enjoying her victory and although Ryujin hated losing, maybe it wasn't so bad if Yeji was the one winning.

"I thought you said you're good."

"I am good." Ryujin argued, huffing. "I'm pretty sure they gave me a faulty bat."

"Yeah, I'm sure that's it." Yeji spoke barely containing her laughter.

With an eye roll Ryujin moved away, secretly smiling at how the other had laughed.

They continued to play for a while longer. Yeji managing to win every single time and Ryujin making up a new excuse for each of her losses. From faulty equipment, to light flares hitting her eyes or Yeji's breathing being annoyingly distracting. None of which were true and they both knew it.

Yeji was good, surprisingly good. Better than Ryujin could have ever expected. Her stance and the way she made the entire thing look too easy was impressive. All Ryujin could do was stand nearby and take in the sight that was Yeji playing baseball.

Who knew baseball could have all her attention?

And who knew watching Yeji starting to throw baseballs for fun would have Ryujin finding her even more attractive than before.

"Why baseball?" Ryujin questioned, after forcing herself to snap of her daze.

Yeji threw the ball once more, her form looking perfect to Ryujin's untrained eyes. Shrugging a moment later. "My brother started playing baseball and I found it interesting. My parents were not the biggest fans of the idea." She glanced at Ryujin before picking up another baseball and throwing it at her gloves hand, smiling. "I bothered them until they allowed me to have classes."

And with that Yeji threw the ball again, leaving the wheels of her brain turning, trying to process the fact that younger Hwang Yeji not only was interested in sports but she was definitely not a rules follower.

Yeji stopped playing around after, prompting them to return the equipment. The girls being ready for the next stop. Whatever that might be.

Ryujin felt it was time to recharge and since Yeji had surprisingly allowed her to drive, their next destination would be a coffee shop. One she had gone to before with Yuna.

"Where are we going?" Yeji questioned from the passenger seat, glancing around their surroundings while she continued to drive.

Ryujin shook her head, "Can't ruin it now. You'll have to wait and see."

All Yeji offered was a scoff, making her chuckle at the reaction.

It didn't take them long to arrive to their destination, Ryujin stopping the car right in front of the coffee shop they'd be going to.

"A cat cafe?"

Ryujin only smiled widely, already excited to see all the cats she had befriended in her previous visits.

Walking inside, the worker greeted Ryujin immediately. Clearly recognizing her from before. Truth was, Yuna and her had been there quite the few times and spent hours playing with the cats during each of their visits to the coffee shop.

This however left Yeji staring between her and the woman who greeted them, eyebrow raised and a questioning look on her face. Ryujin only smiled cheekily.

After each of them ordered what they'd like, they sat down to play with the cats. Ryujin looking around and naming all the cats she saw, telling Yeji all about each cat.

"And this is Orangey. He's grumpy and it took so long to get him to trust and come to me." Ryujin looked at Yeji. "He's a little bit like you, actually. Both distant and difficult."

Yeji looked curiously at the cat standing further apart from the others, "We all have our reasons."

Ryujin hummed, sitting down and petting all the cats that immediately got close to her.

"He's actually a rescue cat. Bad owners that treated him poorly. Maybe that's why he's my favorite. It felt extra special when he finally came close and allowed me to pet him."

Yeji only stared at the girl, then at the cat eyeing her suspiciously and then back to Ryujin who was busy playing with all the cats around her.

Ryujin didn't notice how long it had been, maybe five minutes, maybe twenty. All she knew was that next time she paid attention to Yeji, the girl was petting a very content Orangey. Both of them smiling, Yeji at the cat and Ryujin to herself.

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