Chapter 19

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(Author's note: surprise double update?)

Ryujin pulled Yuna by the sleeve of her pajama top as the younger girl protested. Yeji had retired to her floor for the time being and she took the opportunity to question her sister about whatever those two had going on.

"What the hell was that, Yuna?"

The younger girl made a funny face before crossing her arms and pouting. "That was you being a jerk and dragging me here forcefully."

"I'm not in the mood for jokes, Shin Yuna." Her voice naturally got deeper as she felt angry and raised her voice slightly. Apparently catching her sister by surprise.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked, still pouting as she spoke. "Why are you yelling at me?"

Ryujin sighed, pressing the bridge of her nose before taking a deep breath to calm herself down.

"What's going on between you and Yeji?"

"You're being a little too paranoid, Ryu." She dismissed, shaking her head as if she were judging her and trying to walk away.

"Am I, Yuna?" She asked, keeping her from escaping by holding her sleeve.

"Yes. Let go off me." Yuna sounded annoyed, and looked like it too. Pulling the sleeve from off her grip with too much strength and walking away from her.

Ryujin couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows as she watched her sister leave.

Was she being paranoid?

She didn't think so.

Instead of continuing to insist, she let it go. For now. She would give her a couple of hours and then, she would ask again. And so on because Shin Ryujin didn't know how to give up.

Yuna might be annoyingly stubborn but Ryujin was the original stubborn Shin child.

"And then Ryujin fell on her head." Yuna finished the story she was telling, apparently amusing Yeji. Which, again, made no sense. Considering whenever Ryujin tried to joke around, the older girl wouldn't show any emotions at all. If anything, she looked annoyed or bothered.

After lunch, Yuna excused herself to do her homework. So they could go out afterwards. Which left Yeji and her to do the dishes. Something she didn't mind too much but the presence of the other girl was bothering her ever since that morning.

"I swear, if looks could kill, I'd be dead." Yeji stared nonchalantly. Washing the plate before handing it to her so she could dry it.

"When I told you to get someone to have an affair with, I didn't mean my sister." She blurted out.

Yeji only shook her head. "Why can't it be her?"

What the fuck?

"She's my sister." She argued, nearly dropping the plate on her hand. "Besides, she's sixteen."

Yeji hummed, "I know."

Ryujin blinked about ten times before she managed to speak again. "How do you know so much about her?"

The older girl shrugged. "Does it bother you?"

"Obviously it does."



Yeji nodded. "Yes. Okay."

Ryujin scoffed, she was so irritating. "This is why everyone hates you, Yeji."

The girl seemed to freeze for a second, but she was good at looking unbothered because a moment later she was looking like nothing had come out of her mouth.

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