Chapter 45

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Things hadn't gone according to planned.

Better yet, Ryujin was a coward when it came to Yeji.

A big coward.

It had been nearly two weeks.

Two weeks of avoiding telling Yeji the truth. Two weeks of pretending they are stuck with each other.

Two weeks of making excuses for her avoidance.

"You have to tell her."

"I will."



"You say that every other day."

"I will this time."

"Sure and then she says a word and suddenly you can't do it because she spoke to you and that might mean she's warming up to your presence."

Ryujin didn't have arguments against facts.

"Maybe you don't notice it but you haven't been yourself, Ryujin."

"What do you mean?"

"Ever since I've known you, you've always been the one being chased after. Always confident and bold. Never taking anything less than what you deserve. But nowadays, It's difficult to believe you're the same person."

Ryujin nodded, chuckling to herself. She always thought she would have a loveless marriage but assumed she would be content with it. That she wouldn't mind the fact. Yet there she was, losing herself to try and make it work with someone who barely acknowledged her presence.

"You're right."

"I know I am. I still remember how everyone used to love you and now you look like a sad puppy chasing after someone. I could hit you if it knocks some sense into you."

"I might need that."

Hearing the noise coming from the front door, their demeanor immediately changed. Lia looked more tense and Ryujin instantly felt nervous. Wondering if it was due to her presence or the timing.

"Hey." she greeted, as soon as Yeji walked into the kitchen.

The older girl wordlessly stopping and observing the both of them. Lia was sat on a chair, eating a box of ice cream while Ryujin did the same. While sitting on the kitchen island besides Lia.

"Do you not know how chairs work?" were the first words out of her month. Making her feel a little ashamed. But not enough to move.

"There's one for you too." Ryujin announced, pointing to the freezer and watching as Yeji tried to avoid looking excited over it.

Ryujin knew the truth though.

"I like your new hair. Don't think i had said it yet." Lia said eventually, after a few moments of silence.

Yeji was now sat all the way on the other side of the kitchen island which seemed a bit excessive to her but Ryujin tried not to judge.


"Why blue?"

Ryujin shrugged. Eating a spoonful of ice cream and mulling over her reason. Smiling at the thought. "I've been told I'd look good with blue hair."

Her best friend eyed her curiously but smiled in response. Not questioning anything else about her sudden change in hair style.

"I suppose you make a pretty monkey."

She scoffed but her cheeks were threatening to turn pink at the sudden compliment paired with the embarrassing compliment from her childhood. "Don't remind me of that."

Lia laughed, no doubt having memories of when the nickname was used far too often to describe Ryujin. "I never knew where that came from."

Shrugging she quietly ate some more ice cream before explaining the origin of her childhood nickname. Completely forgetting that Yeji was there, listening to every word.

"One day someone called me that and somehow I thought it was the best compliment ever so I made everyone call me it and it caught on."

"Why would you think it's a good compliment?" Lia questioned, judging her but looking far too amused.

"I don't know. They made it sound like it and..." she gestured around with the spoon as if it explained how someone could think being called a pretty monkey was the best thing ever.

"You're so weird."

Ryujin immediately hit Lia with her foot, causing the girl to swat at it. "Stop that, monkey."

"Stop calling me monkey."

"I thought you liked it."

Ryujin and Lia were now arguing while pouting and mumbling as if they were little kids. Leaving Yeji to stare at the both of them, silently shaking her head and trying to ignore their antics.

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