Chapter 59

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She's unsure when things changed but somehow after Yeji showed up at her door, they started seeing each other more often and speaking to each other. Actually having interactions that weren't forced by their circumstances.

Ryujin wasn't sure how she felt about that. Of course, part of her was ecstatic about it. But on the other hand, it felt a little too good to be true. Considering how things had gone for the months they lived together.

Most times they didn't hang out by choice or by themselves. Although, after that one time they went to Yeji's favorite coffee shop, she had been given hope they would. One day.

It was actually mind blowing how they managed to spend time together that day without anything bad happening. No fights. No insults.

Just Yeji sharing how frustrating her teacher was when he was overcritical of her art. And Ryujin listening, trying her best to show that it's alright for Yeji to express her feelings.

They ended up speaking about many things. None of which included the time they spent engaged. Nor the both of them as anything other than their own individuals. And that was alright. Ryujin was somehow okay with that.

She was just happy to have a conversation with Yeji. Who continuously surprised her.

Every time Ryujin thought she knew what to expect from Yeji and thought that she understood what the girl was like, she was proven wrong.

Yeji was not the person she had thought. Her own assumptions based on nothing but appearances and their first interactions had made it impossible for Ryujin to notice what was clear now.

The older girl was funny. In a strange way. She was clumsy too which she found specially endearing, considering she was a dancer and should be coordinated. Yeji loved art a lot, all forms of it, and could talk her ears off about the subject. Not that Ryujin would complain about that. She would gladly hear all about why Pollock just isn't an artist Yeji enjoys. The way she actually went on about such things with passion had Ryujin pay attention to every word, even when she didn't have a clue what they meant.

Yuna was performing that day and all the girls were going to attend the show. Not that Ryujin had invited Yeji, but the other had mentioned attending. Maybe her sister had asked her herself. Or maybe Yeji had already known about it beforehand, since her parents owned the dance academy.

Recently, she had attended a few practices, or rather, she waited for Yuna at the dance academy so they could hang out. Previously only having been there once, when Yuna originally auditioned.

Ryujin always had been supportive of her sister so she had made sure to attend her audition, despite the fact she was only visiting Korea at the time. Only for Yuna to get accepted and drop out within the year. Picking up other hobbies until she ultimately joined in again that very year.

Sitting in the audience, her eyes were focused on nothing at all. Only vaguely aware of her surroundings, she lost herself in her own thoughts. Maybe because dance performances could get very boring, in her opinion. Unless Yuna was the one dancing, she didn't care much about what was happening on stage. Maybe it was a little funny considering Ryujin herself once danced, but it was a different style. This one didn't speak to her.

Lia was sitting right besides her, looking like she was seconds away from falling asleep and Ryujin only felt sleepier by looking at her. Avoiding doing so for now, and looking back to the stage. Feeling a nudge come a second later, and looking at the source to find Yeji quietly offering her snacks.

Her cheeks were already filled with food, no doubt sweets she had brought to entertain herself while watching the performance. Ryujin should have thought to do the same.

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