Chapter 44

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(author's note: this is what happens when you guys comment a lot. i become very motivated to continue writing. i swear this is the last update today. also don't k word me)

"I don't know, Lia."

"How do you not know that, Ryujin?"

Lia got increasingly frustrated with each passing second. Justifiably so but it was what it was. The truth is, Ryujin doesn't know.

She doesn't know if she truly likes Yeji.

Well, if someone asked her suddenly her first instinct would be to say yes.

If she were to think deeply about it and try to get to the core of who Yeji was and why Ryujin liked that, she would fail to do so.

Because the truth was, Ryujin didn't know Yeji.

The realization hit her hard. Laying desperately on Lia's insanely big bed. Seriously, how many people could fit in that bed? She thought to herself, playing with the silk sheets underneath her body.

"You're a lost case."

"I know."

Lia took a deep breath, no doubt trying to gather whatever nonsense had taken over Ryujin for the past few months of chasing after Yeji.

"You're telling me you've been so desperately trying to get Yeji but barely know her, tried since the very first meeting without knowing anything about her and you're so distant that you haven't even seen the floor in which she sleeps yet?"

Ryujin hummed.

"No wonder Yeji keeps pushing you away."

"You're supposed to make me feel better, not worse."

Lia shook her head, looking at Ryujin before hitting her forehead. "I would if you were a normal person."

"I didn't even do anything." She countered, pouting and holding her forehead as if it hurt. It didn't.



Lia rolled her eyes, clearly drained out of all energy from her. "You've got to be the dumbest smartest person I know."

Ryujin sat down, looking at her confused but intrigued. "Thank you?"

"It wasn't a compliment."

She sighed, visibly deflating.

"Look, for all intents and purposes, Yeji's first impression of you was that you hit on her without knowing anything about her. Then continuously chased after her while still barely knowing anything about her and despite her cold shoulder. That paired with the rumors she seems to be aware about, I understand why she wants nothing but distance from you."

"So you're saying I need to try harder?"

Lia looked at her with what she could only assume to be pity. Making her fall back onto the bed, staring at the ceiling instead.

"Maybe it's time to give up."

"Yeah." she whispered. It's not like she didn't know that. She had known that to be the right option the moment it was presented to her by her father.

"I know you don't want to lose her. But maybe distance could be good. She could find out that she misses you. Or you could figure out what it is that you feel. And if you're just trying to force yourself to feel something for her because you're meant to get married."

Why did she have to make so much sense?

"Your father gave you a way out. Maybe it's time to take it."

She knew that but being told what she already knew was difficult.

"She speaks more now."

"Does she treat you well? Does she speak normally? Does it sound like she respects you?"


She knew the answer to those questions very well.

Ryujin always said 'but she said thank you' until she realized how less than bare minimum such thing was.

"Can I stay with you?"

Lia smiled. "You're welcome to stay but you're rich, Ryujin. Get your own apartment."

"Why does everyone want me far away from them?" she whispered, trying to leave the bed while pouting only to be pulled back by Lia.

"You're such a baby." she said chuckling while holding Ryujin tightly into a back hug, keeping her from leaving.

"Are you just guilt tripping me into letting you sleep over?"

Ryujin smiled cheekily, "Maybe."

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