Chapter 13

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The air between them was thick but, even though things were tense, it was surprisingly not as terrible as she thought it would be.

Honestly, she hadn't been surprised not to see Yeji when she had walked back into the park. What did surprise her was that she was in fact still there. Had Yeji expected her to go back? Or had she simply stayed behind to enjoy the park?

Ryujin guessed in all likelihood, it had nothing to do with her.

And yet, when she mentioned being hungry, the other suggested they had a meal. Instead of simply suggesting they go back to her house.

Why was she like this? Why was she so confusing?

Ryujin couldn't wrap her mind around the mystery that was Hwang Yeji.

One second she would think she had her all figured out, the next the other was surprising her so much she found herself nearly frozen in shock.

And maybe that's why Ryujin had a new found interest in continuing to pursue the girl. In trying to solve the big mystery that surrounded her. In winning her over.

Because despite all her coldness and lack of interest in Ryujin, she found Yeji so very interesting.

Ryujin was nothing but a fool and she's sure the other would agree with her on that.

"Why haven't you cleared the rumors about you?"

She froze in place, losing control of the chopsticks in her hand and dropping the food unto the plate bellow, an embarrassed smile following her clumsiness.

The older girl seemed to be patiently waiting for her answer, still busying herself eating but looking right at her. Making her just slightly nervous because it was so rare that her gaze would be on Ryujin. She really wasn't used to it. Not to mention the fact there was an intensity to how she was looking at her, one that she couldn't quite comprehend.

Ryujin thought about the question for a few seconds. First, it was such a random topic that she wanted to ask why the sudden mention of it. Secondly, it implied that Yeji thought she could clear them up therefore didn't fully believe the rumors. And lastly, Yeji was asking her questions about her which she rarely did. And she did so without being prompted.

Her hand immediately started moving, playing with her food to avoid the intensity of the gaze in front of her. Those cat eyes had a fire behind them that she wasn't sure she could handle. It made her feel like she was under the hot summer sun, unable to breathe properly and maybe feeling a little too bothered by it.

"I'm not sure I could." She admitted.

The thing about those awful rumors under her name was that, they were mostly based on truth facts about herself. Though exaggerated, she wasn't sure that she could clear them up without admitting to them partially. Therefore validating everyone's opinion on her.

It was a double edged sword. She could end the rumors but by admitting to them.

So she didn't. It was best not to. If she didn't deny nor confirm them, it was up to the person's interpretation and personal belief.

Yeji hummed, finally moving her gaze from her, causing Ryujin to look up at her. Noticing how she was now focused on her food instead. "I suppose they're true then."

Ryujin shrugged. They weren't nor true nor lies. "Not really but they're not necessarily lies."

The cat eyed gaze was back on her, catching her off guard. But she didn't advert hers, allowing for their eyes to meet.

"Did you fight people?"


"Fist fights?"

Ryujin hummed. "Occasionally."

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