Chapter 61

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Ryujin found a new sense of freedom in France. Away from her parents, she found herself enjoying the concept of breaking the rules.

She wasn't a bad student. In fact, despite all her rules breaking, she was one of the top students. One would think she would be someone who tried hard, but truly, she was simply that naturally smart. She studied but not as hard as some of her peers. Yet she always managed to do well.

Maybe that's why the staff at her school were so lenient of her behavior. Sure, she sometimes cracked a joke or laughed at an inappropriate and she for sure had been caught somewhere she wasn't meant to be. But then she would flash that whiskers smile and charm her way out of trouble. Her positive academic achievements helping her too.

"Someone's coming." one of the girls yelled out, making everyone grab their things and run their separate ways. Her and Heejin running alongside each other.

Heejin had been much like a partner in crime since her first day there. They practically did everything together, to the point of people being surprised whenever they weren't with each other.

It was halloween and in true fashion, they decided to annoy everyone for a laugh. This time they had decided to make a mess of their director's office. Of course, that is easier said than done.

Ryujin was one of the brains in operations, always leading the others into trouble. With Heejin being one of her loyal accomplices every time.

"Your foot is literally on my ass." Heejin whispered, pushing her as they both hid under a desk in a dark classroom. One that should have been locked.

Hadn't it been for the fact Ryujin had copied the school keys to have access to every room. Something that would get her in a lot of trouble if it came to light.

"Stop being so fucking loud." Ryujin whispered back, trying to hear the footsteps of the teacher who had nearly caught them.

Not twenty minutes passed before they were safe in their room again, laughing about their work. One of them had taken photos of all they had done and Ryujin thought it was hilarious.

Ryujin had gotten a reputation over the years. Troublemaker. Player. Bully. There were far too many stories and rumors to keep up with and honestly, she didn't attempt to. In her mind the more she tried to defend herself and clear her name, the more guilty she would look.

Besides, it wasn't like they didn't have a point. Maybe the stories were exaggerated and taken out of context to make her look bad. But had she punched multiple guys? Yes, and she would do it again. Had she flirted with almost every girl in her school? If winks and casual remarks count as flirted, then yes, she had. And had she caused trouble on a regular basis? Absolutely.

"Hyunjin asked me out." Heejin announced, jumping to her bed. They had been roommates since day 1 and often spoke about such things.

Ryujin smiled, sitting down on her bed and giving the girl her attention. "It was about time. If i had to see you two pinning for another second I'd throw up."

"Shut up." A pillow hit her straight in the face, causing her to laugh. "You're just mad you can't get a girl to stay."

"Who says I want them to stay?" Ryujin frowned, as if such idea was revolting at best.

Heejin rolling her eyes at her. "This is why people think you play girls."

"Is it a game to play if they enjoy it?"

"You're gross."

Ryujin chuckled, throwing back the pillow Heejin had thrown at her. "I'm joking."

"Yeah, say that to your many exes."

"I don't have many exes."

"Do you want me to list them?"

Ryujin could only wave off the idea of such thing. It was true she flirted but she had not more than one ex. Everything else had never grown past some flirting and maybe some kissing.

"That girl is cute, by the way."


"The one you call often."

"Lia? She is but she's also my best friend. I don't think of her that way."

Heejin shrugged, smiling while busy with her tablet. Probably drawing something as she often did. "If she was my best friend, we wouldn't keep our friendship."

"Now who's gross." Ryujin frowned at the thought. It seemed ridiculous to her.

"I learned from you."

Suddenly there was loud knocking on their door, making them jump at the possibility of the director already knowing they did that to her office. Yet when they hesitantly opened the door, Ryujin was met with two tall guys and no teachers.

"What do you want?"

One of the guys pushed the door open a little more, stepping closer to Ryujin before speaking. "Stop flirting with my girlfriend, Ryujin. Or else we will have a problem."

Typical. It's not like they should be taking that so seriously. Besides, her flirting was rarely one sided.

"Sure thing."

The guy quickly turned away, looking satisfied with how easy it was. Until she spoke again.

"Which one is she?"

Then all hell broke loose and next she knew, she was getting detention for fighting and a new rumor about her fighting for some girl had started. Ryujin still didn't know who said girl was anyways.

(author's note: a little backstory about teenage ryujin)

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