Chapter 22

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"Yeji-shi, come down from your dungeon. Lia is here." Ryujin yelled at the top of her lungs, from her own floor. Hoping the other would hear as Yeji's own floor it was only one floor above hers.

She moved to go downstairs, arriving just as Yuna greeted her best friend. Watching as both of her favorite people interacted so naturally, the two girls smiling widely at each other. There was a difference of three years between her and Yuna. Four between Yuna and Lia. The younger girl was only sixteen but seventeen by korean age. Confusing. But that meant there was a significant age different between them, yet, Lia had always tried to include Yuna whenever they would play together when they were younger. She appreciated that about the girl.

Even when Ryujin was thirteen, Lia would always let Yuna tag along with them. Which could be annoying because her younger sister always had far too much energy in her, but her best friend never complained. Not once. Despite a ten years old Yuna following them around everywhere.

"Why are you so tall?" Lia pouted, crossing her arms as she looked up to her sister. While Yuna smiles all innocently, as if she had been caught doing something wrong. Ryujin couldn't help but smile as well, looking at their interaction.

"I swear it was all the banana milk she used to obsessed over as a child." Ryujin teased, earning a push from Yuna as she approached the two. Chuckling at her own joke.

Lia chuckled as well, finding it just as amusing. "I remember that." She said between laughter. "Remember when she tried to steal the banana milk from that store because we said we wouldn't buy it for her?"

"Stop it." Yuna pouted, not enjoying the teasing as much as they were. "It was very rude of you two not to buy me my milk."

Ryujin clicked her tongue, patting her sister's shoulder. "It was either that or snacks. We made the logical decision."

Lia nodded, agreeing with her defense. Which earned them another pout from the taller girl.

Then, as if from nowhere and catching everyone off guard, someone cleared their throat from behind them, making all of them turn.

"Am I interrupting?" Yeji asked, probably noticing how surprised they were by her sudden presence.

Ryujin moves her hand around, smiling at her. "Nonsense. You're part of the gang today. Come on." She gestured for the girl to join them and Yeji hesitantly moved forward, taking really small steps.

"Yeji." Lia said, looking just as uncomfortable as Yeji did. Both of them nodding at each other and keeping their distance.

"Jisu." Her voice was as emotionless as ever, which was a little ridiculous considering it was obvious she was bothered by Lia's presence and probably her existence as well.

Yeji walked past all of them, opening the front door before peeking back. "I suppose I will be driving."

Ryujin looked over at Lia who had driven there, as if to ask if she wanted to do so instead. Considering she already knew the plans for the day. It would make everyone's life a lot easier.

"I can drive." Lia offered, while Yeji seemed to be caught off guard by that but nevertheless, she stepped aside for Lia to walk through the door first. Ryujin catching the older girl staring at her best friend before placing her car key on the furniture besides the door.

The drive wasn't that bad. At least not as bad as it could have been. Mostly because Yuna filled the silence with ease, her being the one person who got along with every single person in that car. She easily got everyone speaking, but only at her, not at each other. Even Yeji would occasionally offer a word or two. Which shouldn't have had any affect on her, yet it did.

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