Chapter 46

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It's not like she rushed home.

No. Why would she do that?

There's nothing good waiting for her inside those walls. Just loneliness and the cold truth that the person she was engaged to was far from someone she could be happy with.

Not that she ever had expectations for her marriage, knowing it would be arranged and she wouldn't be able to progressively fall for the other.

Sighing, she hesitated to open the door, holding the key to the front door lock and imagining what was waiting for her on the other side.

Silence. Coldness. Occasionally a few meaningless words that only made her feel less seen.

Sometimes she thought about not coming home. About going up to that hill where she had gone to with her fiancée. About the view from the car window, the air going though her loose hair, the sun hitting her skin. How relaxing it had been.

Sometimes she found herself daydreaming about it. Oftentimes during her most boring classes.

If only every day could be like that.

But that wasn't real.

Her lips turned into a smile but it wasn't happy nor content. It carried a sadness to it.

Because that's the thing about her situation. It's not real.

The marriage, the flirting, the dates. Nothing about it was real.

Finally opening the door, she took a breath of relief once she noticed the other wasn't home yet. It was lonely to be all alone, but somehow it was even lonelier to be with someone that- she didn't finish the thought. Receiving a call from her best friend.

"Hey. Yes, I just got home."

Of course the other girl would be checking in on her, as she often did. Her best friend was someone she cherished a lot.

"She's not home, no."

At least she didn't think so, though she hadn't invaded her floor to check either.

"It's no use. Why would I try to talk to her? You know the situation."

Rolling her eyes, she knew her friend on the other side of that phone call had a point. But she's a coward in every sense of the word.

"Thank you for caring but i'm fine."

Sighing, tried to sound as happy as possible. "I swear i'm fine. Stop worrying so much."

Hanging up the call and placing her phone on her pocket, she hung up her coat on the entrance.

Smiling at sight the house keys that her fiancée had surely forgotten. That girl. She's a headache in human form.

Finally walking inside, she entered the elevator and then pushed the button to her third floor.

( author's note: Third floor. get it?)

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