Chapter 76

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The ride back to her place was silent, as it often had been. But there was a certain palpable tension between the two of them.

Ryujin had so many questions running through her mind, too many. And she was sure that Yeji could tell.

She had wanted to ask back at the park but she tried to control her curiosity, let Yeji be the one to speak. Or not do so.

After the kiss, Ryujin wasn't sure what to expect.

When she found herself standing alone, on a barely lit park, snow falling and the weather growing colder, she should have gone home. But she didn't.

They had been there before. In this situation, minus the kissing. And Ryujin went back to Yeji. And Yeji had waited for her to do so.

Maybe it was foolish to hope, but she did it anyways.

In the meantime she entertained this stupid thought growing inside her.

Soon it became too cold and Ryujin spotted a nearby coffee stand open, saving her from freezing. She sat there, watching over the place where she knew Yeji would have to walk through to get to where they had been.

Meanwhile, she could only think about the feeling she had. Theorizing that Yeji, as crazy as it might be, could be the same girl she had once met at the park.

There had been clues before. Ryujin wasn't a dumb girl. In fact, she was considered to be somewhat of a genius. It's just pretty girls made her act dumb at times.

Most of the time, actually. Especially if the pretty girl was Yeji.

But surely Yeji would have told her. Right?

Ryujin drank a sip of her coffee, eyebrows furrowing while deep in thought. "Right?" she whispered to herself.

They did have similar cat eyes.

"You're going crazy, Ryujin." she told herself, chuckling before sighing.

Maybe it was time to call it a night.

It had been around an hour and there was no sign of Yeji anywhere. She was probably home already while Ryujin pitifully waited for her.

And then it happened.

Yeji came back.

Next thing she knew, Ryujin decided to test her theory.

So after dancing once again in that dark park, they had found themselves on Yeji's car. Silently besides each other.

she wants to ask. She desperately wants to ask Yeji about it. But she would have told her, right?

She kept asking herself that, over and over again.

The moment they finally entered the house, Ryujin decided to confront her.

But Yeji seemed to have other plans, immediately making her way to her third floor.

Taking a deep breath, Ryujin made a decision right on that spot. Rushing towards the stairs and going up as fast as she could.

It was only three floors but the speed in which she did it, caused her breathing to speed up. Needing a moment to catch her breath.

"What are you-"

Yeji stood there, close to what she assumed to be her bedroom door. Clearly surprised that Ryujin was standing on her precious floor.

"You're her." She stated, somehow forgetting it should be a question. "Aren't you?"


"No." she raised her voice slightly, shaking her head and taking a step forward. "Tell me, Yeji. Are you her?"

Yeji pursed her lips, and the lack of questions over who she meant made the answer more than obvious. But she wanted her to say it. She needed her to say it.

"Just be honest for once. Please."

"Are you really not going to say-"

"Yes. I am." Yeji interrupted, looking down at her feet.

She had not planned for this. Not having expected confirmation from the other girl.

"You knew me?" Ryujin said, furrowing her eyebrows, trying her best to process this information. "You knew? And you never-"

Ryujin took another step forward, getting closer to Yeji but still pretty distant.


"I don't know, Ryujin."

Every time Yeji said her name, it caused an effect on her. But she tried to dismiss it in that moment. "I think you do."

"It doesn't matter."

"It does." It really does. At least to Ryujin.

"Let it go."

"You knew me, all this time. I told you about the nickname and you just never said a word."

"Will you cut it out? I had my reasons." Yeji looked frustrated but she had grown tired of the silence. She wanted to respect it. To allow the girl to take her time.

But her frustration and headstrong personality got the best of her in that moment. And Ryujin found herself pushing a few too many buttons.

Next thing she knew there was yelling coming from both ends. An heated argument growing between them.

"You're so stubborn."

"And you're so-" Ryujin sighed, "Why can't you just fucking say things?"

"Me?" Yeji asked. "You never told me we could have walked away!" She yelled. Looking far more frustrated than ever.

"And you never say anything!" she countered, despite knowing Yeji had a point.

Yeji rolled her eyes. "What do you want me to say?" She yelled right back. "That I knew it was you even before I walked into that meeting room?"

"Did you?"

"Yes, Ryujin." Yeji sighed. Opening the door to her bedroom and leaving Ryujin to process the newfound information. Appearing a moment later and throwing something right at her.

Something soft that hit Ryujin right on the chest and fell to the floor right in-front of her.

That's when she finally saw it. The plushie that had brought her comfort so many times before. Until the day when she had met a sad little girl by the river. Until she had met Yeji.

Picking it up, Ryujin couldn't take her eyes off of it. "You kept it." she whispered it too low for anyone to hear.

"I knew it all along, Ryujin."

"And I didn't." the younger girl continued the thought. Shaking her head before laughing at how stupid it was. Twice now she had found herself having a crush on the same girl, without even knowing it.


"I should have-"

"What, Ryujin?"

Ryujin didn't know what to say. She's not even sure what she meant to say in the first place. 'Should have known' seems stupid.

"You're right, though. There is a lot I haven't said." Yeji agreed, catching her by surprise. "But that's something we have in common."

Ryujin hummed. "It seems so."

"Are you done yelling?" Ryujin asked, a hand holding Tuk tightly. Maybe too tightly.

"Yes. You?" Yeji asked, biting her lower lip.

Nodding, the younger girl felt a bit awkward by their confrontation.

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