chapter 35

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Ryujin walked into the kitchen, hesitating to do so as she might run into Yeji.

She vaguely recalled what happened the night before but not all details were clear in her mind. She had drank far too much for her memories not to be a blur of reality.

Walking into the kitchen she expected to find anything but what she did find.

There he was, again.

The man she came to hate without even knowing as much as his name.

He was eating his food as if he owned the house. As if he had been the one living there all that time. As if he was the one engaged to Yeji.

She stared at him, not noticing that she had stopped once she caught sight of him. Or how she had been staring for a while. Not until he noticed her presence and looked her way.

"Morning." he said, looking at her curiously.

Ryujin was well aware that she looked rough. Much more than usual. Her hair was a mess, she had dark circles and she had passed out before taking off her makeup that was now smudged all over her face. Yet she didn't give a shit, only glaring at him back. If looks could kill, he would surely be dead.

She didn't respond, moving instead to sit on the one of the chairs at the kitchen island. She should be making breakfast for herself but her head hurt and she still felt sick from the night before. She's not even sure if that was from drinking or the sight of the man sitting across from her.

"Yeji went out."

She didn't ask and frankly, she didn't care either.

"And you're still here because?" she finally spoke. Her deep voice coarse from all she had drunk the night before. Her head rested on her hands, not even bothering to look at the man.

"Yeji said it would be fine. Hope that's okay with you."

"It's not." she replied as fast as humanly possible. Still not bothering to look at him.

She heard some noise, the man had clearly moved from his seat and she hoped that meant he would be leaving now. His presence only made her feel worse than the alcohol still in her system did.

After a few minutes a cup of coffee was placed between her elbows that were resting against the marble kitchen island. Making her finally look up at the man, curiosity rising as she did so.

"It looked like you needed it." he offered, a corner of his lips twisting upwards before moving to finish his breakfast.

"I won't thank you for this." she said before placing both her hands on the warm cup of coffee, still glaring at him.

He only shrugged, placing some of his food in his mouth instead of saying anything else.

He's just as annoying as Yeji.

"Good. You haven't murdered each other." she heard the voice coming from behind where she sat, not needing to turn around to see who it was. She was familiar with it already.

"Not yet." she countered, causing the man in front of her to chuckle.

Yeji walked inside the kitchen, pouring herself a cup of coffee as well. At the same time the man moved, ruffling her hair with a warm smile before starting to wash his dishes. Ryujin observing as Yeji playfully punched him in response. The man only feigning being hurt by it.

"Can you two not flirt in front of me?" she blurted out before her mind could think about it.

Watching as both of them stared at her in shock before laughing.

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