Chapter 69

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"Fuck you."

It didn't bother her.

Everyone surrounding them seemed shocked by the sudden words yelled out by the guy in front of her. But Yeji didn't flinch nor did she show any sign of being affected by them.

Holding on the cup of whatever strong alcohol had been poured into it by her friend, she observed as the guy walked away, bumping into some people along the way.

After a few seconds, one by one each of the people around her busied themselves with something else. Something she was thankful for.

"You're supposed to have fun at parties. Not break up with your boyfriend very publicly."

Yeji didn't have to look at the girl to know it was her best friend, being able to recognize her soft voice anywhere.

"He wasn't my boyfriend."

"Sure thing." Her best friend said, drinking whatever was on her cup and wincing. "I go on dates with my friends all the time, even kiss them."

"We weren't friends."

"Yeah, because you were dating."




"A little bit."

"Stop that."

"Whatever. Point is, when are you going to let someone in?"

"I thought the point was not to break up with someone during a party." Yeji countered, her eyebrows raising when she glanced at Chaeryeong.

"That too." The younger girl pointed, placing a hand on her shoulder before shaking her head. "I've seen you give a number of people a chance but somehow you always end up chasing them off before they can even fully get in."

"I don't-"

"Stop right there." Chaeryeong said, raising a finger. "There was Soobin who very clearly showed interest and you dismissed it coldly."

"We were like 13."

"Well, would you give him a chance now?"

"No. But-"

"But nothing. You two get along and you still wouldn't."

"I don't see him like that."

"Okay, fine. Then there was that one foreign guy. May I remind you of how you rejected him in front of the entire school?"

"That's exactly the problem. Why would he ask in front of everyone?"

Chaeryeong sighed. "Okay, okay. What about that one girl. The one in our math class last year?"

"What about her?"

"She spent the entire year chasing after you."


"So, why didn't you... I don't know, talk to her?"

"She was boring."

"How... Did you ever even talk to her?"

Yeji shrugged, "She tried a few times but she was always so... Passive."


The older girl nodded, downing the rest of her drink and regretting it once it burned her throat.

"It's like everything she said was thought out and with the intent to please me. She would never disagree with anything I said or challenge me."

"This guy, the one you just broke-"

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