Chapter 21

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Ryujin woke up earlier than she thought sane, all because she had a new found objective. To get Yeji to forgive her for the dumb things she had said the day before.

She didn't necessarily have a plan but, she would start with breakfast. Then, she would figure out the rest along the way. For now, she was in the kitchen, cooking as if her life depended on it.

Truth was, although her life did not depend on Yeji forgiving her, her sanity sure did. Spending the rest of her life with Yeji would be far easier if the girl didn't absolutely hate her guts. So she had to step up her game and bring everything to the table. From her cooking skills to that charm she was known for. The one she hadn't fully used on Yeji yet. For several reasons she didn't really want to dissect in that moment.

The girl was far too engrossed in her cooking and the music coming out of her AirPods to notice someone entering the kitchen. She wasn't even aware of how long they had been standing there for, and how much of her mumble singing and dancing they had witnessed. She only knew that one moment she had been dancing, the next she turned around to be met with Yeji's cat eyed gaze. The other girl seemingly entertained by her performance of the song blasting through the AirPods. Leaning her hip against the kitchen island and with her arms crossed as she observed her.

Once she took notice of the girl's presence, Ryujin was quick to pull out her AirPods, chuckling embarrassingly. Although she wasn't one to be shy, she also wasn't fully comfortable with Yeji so having her see that, was making her feel embarrassed.

"What are you doing?" Yeji finally asked, raising her eyebrows and staring between the food she had been cooking and Ryujin.

The younger girl shrugged, smiling at the other who looked curious and confused. "Cooking. I told you, I'm making it up to you."

There was a few seconds of silent before any words were spoken again. Yeji only staring at her before shrugging and moving to sit down at the kitchen table. "You'll have to do better than this."

Ryujin chuckled, she hadn't expected a thank you or forgiveness. In fact, she had fully expected Yeji to remind her that she wouldn't be forgiven so easily. Because why would she? It's Yeji after all. She would likely make it as challenging as possible. What she didn't know was, Ryujin loved challenges and games and she hated losing.

"Oh, miss Hwang. This is simply the start." She countered, smirking as she finished the food. Moving to serve it to the older girl seconds later. Taking note of how Yeji's eyes followed her movement.

Yeji sighed, being far too rough with the egg roll in front of her. Making Ryujin's eyebrows rise in surprise and wonder. Why was she always so intense about everything?

"You should wake Yuna up. I can't eat all of this by myself." Yeji spoke, after far too many seconds of silence between them. Those seconds filled with nothing but the noise of Ryujin starting to clean up the kitchen.

"She's tired. I was thinking of letting her sleep in. She was doing schoolwork until late last night. Besides, it's far too early to be awake." She glared at Yeji, as if to call her out on her habit of waking up at ungodly hours.

Yeji only hummed. Hesitating slightly to say something, judging by the way her mouth opened and closed a few too many times.

"I suppose you should join me then. Since you insisted on waking up at dawn as well."

Maybe she should have hesitated to accept such invite, or pretended to do so. But she didn't. The moment her mind registered it, Ryujin was already making her way to the table with her own plates. She was sure that speaking and connecting with Yeji would be done far easier when food was involved. Or so she hoped.

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