Chapter 77

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"And then you confessed to her?" Chaeryeong asked, her expression making it clear her intention was to annoy Yeji.

Well, it was working.

Yeji told everything to Chaeryeong.

Or almost everything.

Maybe she left out the part where she finally realized Soyeon was right.

But Yeji was barely ready to accept it herself, let alone inform her best friend of something that would be used against her.

Chaeryeong had been implying there were feelings there but before Yeji had always denied that.

Rolling her eyes, she pretended such thought was ridiculous. Impossible even.

"I threw her plushie at her."

"You did?"

Yeji hummed.

"You never let me even touch it."

"Yeah, whatever. It's just a plushie."

Chaeryeong hummed in an unconvinced manner. "It's never been just a plushie to you. I remember how you took care of it. And whenever I'd catch you crying or upset about whatever it might be, that plushie was always in your arms."

"I don't need it anymore."

"Sure you don't."

"I don't."

"Just like you didn't want Ryujin around."

"I didn't."

"Nice use of the past tense."

Yeji grunted, hitting her friend with a pillow.

"I have a question."

"What?" Yeji asked, expecting something weird to come from her best friend.

"What happened before that?"



"You kissed?" Lia questioned, far too loudly. Making Ryujin flinch at the volume.

"Well, technically she kissed me. I didn't really get to do anything before it ended."

Lia seemed excited though, at the information.

Ryujin would be too, but she kept questioning why Yeji had done it. And why she had ran away right after.

Was it so bad that she had kissed Ryujin?

Then again, why did she even kissed her in the first place? Even Ryujin hadn't mustered up the courage to do that.

"And then what happened?"


They hadn't talked for maybe a week now and Ryujin was losing her mind. Last they had spoken had resulted in yelling at each other, followed by Ryujin announcing she would be going back home the next morning.

It wasn't like they had left things off on bad terms.

Things were just... Awkward.

All Ryujin wanted to do was ask about the kiss. But wouldn't that only drive Yeji away?

Should she simply go up to her and return it?

Was that too direct?

She wasn't even sure if she liked Yeji in that way.

Well, she definitely was attracted to her. That much was obvious to anyone, even Yeji herself.

But did she actually know Yeji well enough to say she liked her?

Last thing Ryujin wanted was to play her.

That thought alone made her feel weird. Ryujin had never cared about stuff like that. She found a girl interesting, chased her, had fun and moved on. Easy. Why was she suddenly over complicating things?


Yeji wasn't even sure how it happened, really.

Next time they saw each other was at some party. In some big rich kid's house but fun enough that they and apparently everyone else were considerably drunk.

Luckily it wasn't one of those parties where she had to behave. Something she was very thankful for.

"Hello, ice princess."

Yeji rolled her eyes at such nickname. Clearly Ryujin was attempting to tease her. While looking to be pretending nothing happened.

Maybe it was for the best.

"Have I told you that you're extremely annoying?"

Ryujin feigned being deep in thought before smiling cheekily. "Only every day since we met."

"Good. Don't forget it." Yeji spoke again, grabbing yet another drink and starting to walk away.

Ryujin following right behind. until she stopped and the younger girl did the same besides her. Leaving against the door frame besides her. "This party is painfully boring."

Yeji offered only a simple "Yeah."

And that's how they found themselves playing ping pong while slightly under the influence. Well, maybe a little more than slightly.

Both of them far too invested in the game, not for any particular reason as there was no reward to be gained.

Ryujin wanted to win because she was competitive. And Yeji simply to keep Ryujin from acting all smug about how much better she was.

In the end Ryujin let Yeji win, after seeing her pout. Not that she would admit to it. Smiling at herself after Yeji started doing what she presumed to be some drunk victory dance.


And strangely endearing.

That's how they remained the entire night. Playing games until both were too tired to continue.

Finding their way to Ryujin's apartment, through the help of a taxi while both girls giggled and told possibly the worst jokes of their entire lives.

They barely made it to the bedroom. Blurry vision and their perception affected by the amount of alcohol they had. Neither of them conscious enough of their actions to process the decisions being made.

Ryujin would surely regret it once she sobered up, but for now sharing a bed with Yeji seemed like the best idea ever.

Neither of them changed clothing, barely having made it through the task of taking off their shoes. Both of them laughing while watching the other stumble and struggles through it.

Laying in bed, Ryujin's found herself facing Yeji. A good amount of distance between them. Her bed was big enough to provide them with a lot of space. Something she found to be both a curse and a blessing.

No words were exchanged between them. And Ryujin couldn't even recall the last seconds before passing out. But she wouldn't forget the moment she woke up.

Or how she was holding Yeji in her arms.

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