Chapter 9

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(Author's note: the video where the photo in the media is from and the bickering in it is exactly how I view the childish bickering this Ryeji does in this AU so I had to include that here)

Ryujin didn't know what to expect to encounter once she got back home.

Wait, not home.

That wasn't her home. Not yet. That house still felt very foreign to her. Despite the fact she was technically living there with Yeji and that's where she would be staying even after the marriage, it didn't feel like home. Not in the slightest.

When she walked through Yeji's front door, she noticed that there was music playing. Not too loudly but loud enough for her to be able to faintly hear it.

She quietly walked through the house to the living room, noticing how Yeji was focused on the screen of her phone before pausing the video and turning her head in her direction.

"I hope you didn't scratch my car." She muttered, looking at her with the same old cold stare.

Ryujin didn't expect a change in behavior and yet couldn't stop the disappointment from filling every particle in her body.

"Don't worry, Miss Hwang. Your Lamborghini is in perfect condition."

Yeji made a noise of satisfaction that seemed to mean something like 'okay, good'.

To which Ryujin only clicked her tongue, moving slowly to the living room. She didn't even mean to do that but something about seeing the other side of Yeji earlier had made her want to speak to her. Perhaps get a conversation going since she somehow was in a good mood.

"My sister really liked you."

Yeji hummed.

She supposed thinking Yeji would be nice was pretty foolish. And far too good to be true.

She sighed, dramatically flopping into the couch. Yeji looking at her with raised eyebrows, as if she didn't know why she was suddenly like that. As if she wasn't clearly the cause.

"Your sister is pretty."


"She's too young for you."

The older girl shook her head, looking away from her. "I'm still straight. And I wouldn't go for her anyways."

She hummed, looking at Yeji curiously, the other looking out of the living room window, as if she was entranced by the sun coming through it.

Ryujin couldn't help but take in how good she looked with the sun hitting her face in a way that perfectly highlighted her features. Yeji was easily the most attractive person she had ever seen and in that department, she couldn't complain about her parents choice in partner for her.

"I'm getting my bike delivered here."

"Your what?"

Ryujin smiled, amused by the way Yeji snapped out of her thoughts and look at her immediately upon hearing the word that seemed to shock her.

"My bike."

"Your bike."

She couldn't help but chuckle. Why was she even that surprised? People drove bikes all the time. It was even more practical than a car if she wanted to escape traffic. And Ryujin was a pretty good driver anyways.

"Yes, Yeji. There's a thing called motorcycles and I happen to own one."

Yeji rolled her eyes at her remark, clearly annoyed by her attitude but what did she expect? She was the one being weird about it.

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