Chapter 50

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It was late at night and she was staying at their Seoul apartment complex. Her parents had just purchased it recently and there was much to do in terms of decorating and some other grown up things she didn't understand yet.

Ryujin wasn't even sure if her parents noticed she had left. She wasn't even sure they would bother to check.

They're not bad parents but they're busy. Always so busy.

She sighed, walking through the dark park confidently.

Maybe she should be scared. Of the dark or what could be hiding in it. But she wasn't.

Not when she had Tuk.

Tuk was her monkey. The plushie she was given at birth by her grandparents. She had grown up with it. In fact, she had made up a whole life story for Tuk the millionaire. Just like her. She smiled, thinking about it and holding it tightly against her chest.

She wasn't sure where she was walking to but Ryujin thought the river should be close by and she was sure it would be pretty to look at. Even at midnight.

Something made her stop walking. Furrowing her eyebrows while studying the cause, observing it curiously. What was going on?

Then she got closer, moving partially by her curiosity and partially by the fear of what might be happening.

"I don't think it's the right time for a swim."

The other nearly fell, making Ryujin instinctively reach out. Not quite making contact before the other got their bearings.

"What the fuck."

"You can curse?" She blurted out without much thought.

"I don't see an adult around. Do you?"

Ryujin looked around for a second before smiling cheekily, her missing canine tooth way too obvious. Climbing to the wall between them and the river, she stood besides the other child.

"Fuck. Shit." she yelled at the top of her lungs. Giggling right after. The other joined her, laughing at how far she took it.

"Are you like suicidal or something?" she blurted out again, glancing down at the probably freezing water.

"No." the other replied, shrugging. "Do i look like it?"

"I'm not sure what that looks like." she replied, this time she was the one shrugging.

"Me neither."

They stood there in silence, before Ryujin took the lead in sitting down on the wall.

The other soon did the same.

"Why do you have a backpack?"

The girl looked at her curiously, shaking her head and looking back at the river. "You ask a lot of questions"

"And you're avoiding it."


Ryujin chuckled.

"My parents have been fighting."

Her mouth formed an O. Her parents fought too but she didn't see how this related to the girl being all alone with a backpack in the middle of a poorly lit park.

Then again, she was also there at the moment.

"I like music." she stated, making the other confused.


"Maybe if we talk about what we like, then we won't feel so bad."

The other girl seemed to give it some thought before hesitantly nodding.

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