chapter 36

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Laying on her bed, Ryujin couldn't stop herself from replaying everything that had happened since they went to the event.

Judging herself for everything that had transpired afterwards.

She could lay there and place all the blame on Yeji and the fact she hadn't mentioned her brother but it wouldn't be fair to do so.

It was all her fault. She was the one who automatically assumed Yeji was flirting with the guy. To make matters worse, she had reacted in the worst way possible. Instead of simply questioning her about it, she left the event with her ex and proceeded to get wasted and make out with her. Leaving Yeji by herself without so much as a word, until she drunkenly texted her a while later, already at the bar. And not only that but kissed Jiu right in front of her.

She picked up one of the pillows and pressed it against her face. Yelling into it to let go of all these emotions she was feeling.

Mostly anger, towards herself and the ridiculous way she dealt with the situation.

"You're so fucking stupid, Shin Ryujin." she yelled into the pillow.

The worst part of it all wasn't the hangover or even how she felt when she thought Yeji was sleeping with the guy. No. The worst part was the way Yeji's words had made her feel.

How absolutely shitty she felt knowing that Yeji hated her.

She could barely handle thinking back to her expression when she said those words. Not wanting to see it playing in her mind.

Up until that moment things has been hard but Yeji hasn't hated her. She always made sure that Ryujin knew that. That despite the fact she didn't particularly care for her, she didn't hate her either.

But now everything had changed. All because she's impulsive and assumed the worst of Yeji.

It was fair but it hurt.

They hadn't spoken since.

In fact, Ryujin had been actively avoiding Yeji. Not knowing what to do.

Part of her too ashamed to show her face in front of her. The other too sad to look at the hatred in her eyes.

Yeji hasn't made an effort to talk to her either but that didn't surprise her. Even before this she wouldn't have reached out to her. That wasn't who Yeji is.

Then again, did Ryujin even know Yeji?

She chuckled to herself shaking her head while her eyes fixated on the wall of her room.

All that because she wasn't aware that Yeji had a brother.

It was ridiculous, really.

Jiu had texted and called. Several times.

Ryujin didn't know what to tell her. She didn't even know if she wanted to say anything at all.

After she didn't go to class three days in a row, her teachers started emailing her too but she didn't care. Ryujin would just get her family's doctor to forge papers saying she had been sick.

She didn't want to run into Yeji. That's why she kept to her floor. Only leaving to get food when she knew Yeji wasn't at home.

Lia had texted too but she hadn't replied either. Apparently Lia had found out through Chaeryeong what had happened and now Ryujin was even more hesitant to leave the room.

Surely Yeji's best friend would give her a hard time once they ran into each other. Even Lia sounded disappointed in her.

Ryujin wasn't sure she had a valid excuse for her actions so how could she face them?

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