Chapter 4

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Ryujin invited her best friend to the house. Yeji hadn't specified her rules on guests and she didn't bother to ask. It was also her house these days and if she had asked, she would have likely said no.

"Ryujin?" Lia said, almost as if it were a question. Looking at her curiously before smiling and jumping to hug her.

Lia had always been the shorter of the two despite being older and Ryujin was happy to find out that hadn't changed. It was already bad that most people were taller than her, she didn't want to add Lia to the list.

"You're right about video calls not being accurate. You look like an actress in person."

The girl chuckled, hitting her playfully while blushing. "I am an actress, Ryu."

"FaceTime would disagree." She smirked, obviously she loved to tease others and as much as she did it to this girl, she never got offended or hurt. Despite the pout she offered in return.

"So where is the fiancée?" Lia asked, looking around the house.

"Out." Ryujin actually wasn't sure where she was. If it weren't for the red Lamborghini missing from the driveway, she would probably assume Yeji was on her third floor.

Lia sat on the couch of the living room, something Ryujin had yet to do as she mostly avoided the common areas. Unless it was to eat.

"Who is it?"

Ryujin sighed, sitting on the other couch. Because yes there were two couches almost in a L position. "Hwang Yeji."

Lia's eyes widened at the mention of her fiancées name. Making her wonder if Yeji was well known and she had been living under a rock. Well, a rock called Paris.

"Hwang Yeji?"

Ryujin hummed, waiting for an explanation for the reaction that her friend had at the mention of her name. But Lia didn't explain. Not before Yeji arrived from wherever she had been at.

The taller girl walked inside, carrying a lot of bags so she immediately assumed that she had gone shopping earlier. They both stared as she placed the bags down near the living room and seemed to start moving towards the kitchen when she suddenly looked behind her at both of them. Ryujin tried to look away but she immediately noticed that it was too late. Then she noticed Lia looking down at her hands, probably having done the same.

"What's going on here?" Yeji asked, her tone slightly high pitched for someone who normally sounded monotone.

She hesitated but sighed, finally facing Yeji only to realize that her fiancées eyes weren't on her.

Lia was still avoiding her gaze which had Ryujin looking curiously between them both. Wondering what the fuck was going on.

"I should have told you I'd have a friend over but-" Ryujin was quickly interrupted by her.

"I'm not talking to you."

Yeji started to step towards her looking as intimidating as ever. Even Ryujin was a little taken back by how fierce she looked at the moment, gulping as she saw her get close.

"What are you doing here?" Yeji asked, looking right at Lia. The distance between them much shorter than expected. She doesn't think Yeji had even been that close to Ryujin and they were engaged.

Forcefully but still.

It was obvious that they knew each other and Ryujin had too many questions about it all. How would Lia and Yeji know each other? Why was there so much tension? What was their history?

"She's my best friend, Yeji. Can you stop acting this way?" Ryujin defended, stepping between the both of them which, due to the limited amount of space, meant she was nearly touching bodies with Yeji and their face was an inch away from each other.

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