Chapter 65

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"Yeji." she called her but the girl was still walking, pulling her along with her. Not acknowledging her own name being called out.

"Yeji." she said again, louder this time. Causing the other to finally stop walking. Standing in front of her, back turned in her direction and hand slowly letting go of her arm.

"Are you okay?" Ryujin asked, she's not even sure why. She couldn't see Yeji's face but something about that interaction and the way the girl had reacted bothered her. Ryujin had to make sure the other was okay. Her hand hesitantly reaching to touch Yeji's shoulder lightly.

The taller girl turned, looking visibly shaken but at least there were no tears. Ryujin wasn't sure what she would have done had there been tears. Such sight would be shocking and upsetting.


Without a second thought, she reached for Yeji's hand, having noticed the location of a small park on their way over. She hadn't planned ahead but figured Yeji could use the distraction and being on a moving car, be it behind the wheel or not, was likely not the best way to deal with this.

Yeji didn't protest or stop her, simply allowing her to lead the way. Calmly walking to the park near them, taking in the calm of it once they arrived. Looking over at Yeji, she offered a small smile. Trying her best to send her good vibes, so that she wouldn't feel too bad about having spoken to her ex minutes before.

They sat in one of the benches, Yeji closing her eyes and leaning her head back slightly. Making her already sharp jawline look even more defined. Ryujin took the time to look over all the details. Taking mental notes on how good she looked.

"Are we friends, Ryujin?"

The question had come out of nowhere and to say she was caught off guard was an understatement. Ryujin blinked twice, trying to gather her thoughts and form a coherent answer. Were they friends? They had the same friend group. Hung out at times. Spoke, albeit mostly in group conversations. But did that mean they're friends or simply acquaintances?

"I think your hesitation said all I need to know."

Yeji finally opened her eyes, looking over at Ryujin who raised her eyebrows, surprised when she looked at her.

"It's not like that." She defended, turning slightly to sit in a way that allowed her to observe Yeji with ease. "It's new, I guess."

"What is?"

"The idea." Ryujin ran a hand through her hair, not failing to notice Yeji follow the movement with her gaze. "Of you and I, being friends."

"I suppose."

Ryujin hummed, clicking her tongue before smiling as if dismissing her doubts and restrictions. "I'd like to see it happen. If you'd let me. Be your friend, of course."

"Friends then." Yeji responded, closing her eyes and visibly relaxing against the bench.

Ryujin smiled to herself, trying to ignore the sudden distaste for the word. "Friends." she repeated, whispering.

Looking around she spotted a nearby store that sold food. Moving without saying a word and grabbing the both of them a cup of coffee. Waiting for the coffee, Ryujin couldn't keep her eyes off of Yeji, still on the bench, now looking over two puppies playing nearby. The younger of the two couldn't contain her smile at such sight. The older girl behind the counter smiling once she noticed. "Your girlfriend?"

"Just a friend." she responded, feeling that same negative feeling at the sound of the word friend. But earning herself another smile from the girl now placing the cups in front of her. "Does that make you available?"

Ryujin wasn't expecting that, she didn't think anyone would be so bold to flirt like that. Not in such circumstances. Yet there she was, looking at her with a beautiful and expectant smile, hoping she would say yes.

"I'm not sure."

She didn't knew where that answer came from. She was indeed available but, somehow, saying so didn't feel quite right.

The girl nodded, taking a pen and scribbling on the cup of coffee she had picked based on her advice moments before, writing down what Ryujin presumed to be a phone number and name.

"If you decide you're available."

"I won't promise anything."

The girl laughed, shrugging before starting to move to a new client that had just arrived. "I'll hope to be lucky then."

Ryujin looked down at the cup, then looked back at the girl and smiled. Grabbing both cups of coffee and walking away to where her friend was. Her friend Yeji.

That would take some getting used to.


"Thanks." Yeji said softly, grabbing the cup and taking a sip from it. Looking back at the view in front of them. Ryujin taking the time to sit besides her and capture the moment with her phone.

"What are you doing?" Yeji questioned, noticing what she had done. Furrowing her brows while looking at her phone then back up at her. "You don't have to do that anymore."

Ryujin chuckled, shaking her head with her signature whiskers in display. "I know." she shrugged, looking down at the photo and smiling to herself before locking her phone and placing it back on her pocket. "I wanted to."

Yeji tilted her head, as if searching for something. What, she did not know. But moments later Ryujin redirected her attention to the view, leaving Yeji to stare at her for a little while longer.

"You could have told me. About your ex."

Yeji sighed. "I didn't think we would be faking it for so long. I thought it was irrelevant and would only give you hope. Knowing I like girls."

Ryujin hummed. That was true. She would have probably thought she had a real shot with Yeji. That would have hurt her even more than their current reality had. "You're right."

"I know."

"Don't get cocky."

"Says Miss cocky."


"Tu m'as bien entendu!"

Ryujin was about to continue arguing until she processed the fact Yeji had just spoken French back to her. Her eyes widening slightly in shock.


"I had French classes."

Ryujin chuckled, smiling fondly at the other. "You surprise me every day, Yeji." She stated matter of factly before taking a sip of her coffee. Turning slightly to face the view in front of them again, "I'll unravel the mystery of you one day."

"Stop saying things like that." Yeji complained, almost pouting, pushing her a little too hard. Her voice louder than before. Causing Ryujin to move a little and laugh about her reaction.

"Why? Does it bother you?"

"Yes." Yeji rolled her eyes, looking away from her. "You make things sound so flirty sometimes."

"And that's a problem?" Ryujin asked, her words hesitantly coming out as just above a whisper.

"Of course it is." Yeji waver her free hand, dismissing the conversation. "Besides, you have someone else to call." Suddenly she looked again in her direction, her gaze lowering to the scribbles on her cup of coffee. Ryujin had forgotten all about that already, instinctively hiding it despite the fact it was entirely too late.

She only smiled sheepishly, feeling that defending herself would somehow only make her look desperate in that moment. So instead she shut up and cussed at herself through her inner thoughts.

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