Chapter 79

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It was a day just like any other. Except it was somehow completely different.

They were just at school, having the same classes they would have on any other Friday. Nothing new nor special about it.

But everything was different.

That morning, over half a year after the two of them met, Ryujin drove to school. She took her bike as she often did, and parked just by the building where most of her classes were. Nothing new about that.

Except for the fact she spotted Yeji parking her car, having arrived just a minute after she did.

Quietly and hopefully without the other taking notice, Ryujin observed the other. Taking advantage of the helmet that kept her hidden from everyone else. Or at least obscured her expressions or the direction of her gaze.

Ryujin stood there, still on her bike, watching as Yeji got off her car, fixing her hair and moving to pick up some of her art supplies. Yeji was nothing short of stunning. Since day one she had managed to grab her attention and the longer they had known each other, the more Ryujin took notice of endearing aspects of the girl.

Such as the way she clumsily tripped over nothing in that moment, seemingly scolding the floor without anyone watching. Only her, who continued to observe as if Yeji was a subject of her study.

After a long moment, Ryujin finally decided to stop being creepy.

Taking off her helmet, placing it under her arm and approaching the girl.

They had grown close but there was still a lot of unpacking to be done.

In fact, now more than ever, it seemed the two of them had purposely packed everything up and agreed to ignore everything. Ryujin wasn't sure how long that would last for but at least she could interact with the girl rather normally.

"Hey, Da Vinci." Ryujin greeted the other, running slightly to catch up to her.

Yeji rolled her eyes but a small smile betrayed her.

"Good morning to you too, Ryujin."

She only smiled cheekily before the both of them went their separate ways a moment later.

In the time since Ryujin had moved to her own apartment, she had managed to make new friends at college. Meet new people and had gone to a few parties.

She was also now a regular at her parents' parties. The ones she hadn't been able to attend when she was younger.

With being in the public eye now and having made quite a few friends and acquaintances, Ryujin had found that her charm was indeed not exclusive to France.

Admirers were something she was indeed not lacking. Having at least one or two in each of her classes and outside of her school. It almost reminded her of life before coming back to Seoul.

However, on this particular day, and as she took notice of two girls staring at her, whispering and giggling about it. Especially after she smiled at them. Ryujin came to realize something.

Unlike before, when she had interest in pursuing those who took interest in her, in particular with the intent of having fun, she no longer felt the same way about it now.

It was still fun to mess with them, sure. But she didn't want to date around. Ryujin wasn't interested in kissing those girls and move on to the next one as she often had done in her teen years.

In fact, as she looked at the way others took notice of her, Ryujin kept thinking of someone else.


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