Chapter 62

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(author's note: back to the present. i can't wait for the reactions to this chapter)

"What are we doing here?" Ryujin asked curiously, wondering why they were at a random coffee shop. Actually, not even at a coffee shop since they were standing outside. Yeji trying to hide herself behind the parked cars at the front, while she wordlessly judged her.

"Shut up. Just don't act suspicious."

Ryujin chuckled but shut up the moment Yeji pulled her be the hem of her hoodie.

"What's going on?"

"Just wait."

Yeji peeked from behind the car, both of them now crouching behind it. They looked ridiculous and Ryujin found it all too amusing.

The moment she was going to tease Yeji about it again, the girl's eyes widened, looking back to Ryujin expectantly. Ryujin had her back against the car, focusing on observing Yeji, not the coffee shop. It took her a moment to understand Yeji wanted her to look in that direction and in doing so she only got more confused about it.

"And what am I looking at?"

"Her." Yeji said, pointing at one of the women inside. Ryujin observed her carefully, noticing how she looked to be in charge. Her clothes told her that she had money, although she dressed more casually than Yeji did most of the time.

"What about her?"

"She's my girlfriend."

Of all things Ryujin could have guessed to come out from Yeji, these words would have been the last.

Shock was an understatement because Ryujin simply couldn't think of anything to say or how to react to that information. Frozen in place she stared but her brain was no longer processing what her eyes saw. Instead she was going through the newfound information Yeji had just told her.


Yeji had a girlfriend.

Yeji liked girls.


Yeji has a girlfriend?

Her eyebrows furrowed and she looked at Yeji who seemed to be avoiding meeting her gaze.

"You have a girlfriend?"

Yeji sighed, turning and resting her back on the car. "Had."

Ryujin hit her arm, causing Yeji to yell out, holding onto it. "What are you doing?"

"You lied to me."

"You never asked." she argued.

"You said you don't like girls."

"I-" Yeji closed her mouth, sighing again. Her hand still holding the place where Ryujin had slapped her arm. "I lied, yes."

"She's cute." Ryujin raised her eyebrows teasingly, earning herself a push from Yeji that had her barely holding on so she wouldn't fall over.

"What? You said she's your ex, not your girlfriend."

"Shut up. My ex is off limits."

Ryujin chuckled, despite the feeling lingering inside. Maybe later she would allow herself to feel it but for now she would shove it deep down and try to act like everything was fine. "Someone is still in love."

Yeji's eyes widened, opening her mouth to argue but staring at Ryujin for a moment before closing it. Unable to deny her statement and unknowingly hurting Ryujin once more.

Maybe if she had known, she wouldn't have got inside her car. Maybe it was best to not know this. Because that meant the reason why Yeji didn't give them a chance wasn't because of her sexuality. It was Ryujin, the reason why they didn't work. It was all her fault.

Smiling, she tried to act as she normally did. Wondering if the other could tell her smile wasn't real.

"Remember the first day? I was late because of her."


"Since we are..." Yeji seemed to think carefully about her next words, continuing a second later. "Friends. Since we are friends, I thought you should know. Why I wasn't interested." Ryujin nodded, biting her lip. It was hard to try and react like it didn't matter, but she tried her hardest. "Why I'm not interested." Yeji corrected, unprompted. Likely foreseeing hope growing in Ryujin. But there wasn't any.

"It's fine, Yeji. It's over now."

Yeji got up, looking at the coffee shop before looking back at Ryujin who was getting up as well. "Yes, it is."

"I think we should go before your ex sees us."

Yeji nodded, "Yes, please."

Without thinking about it, probably due to how many thoughts were running through her mind, she grabbed Yeji's hand. Pulling her along as they walked back to the car. Leading the way without realizing it.

Ryujin just wanted nothing to do with this. She wanted distance from that coffee shop and this information. If she could somehow erase this from her mind, she would jump at the opportunity.

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