Video games I - Among Us

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*a/n wrote this back in june when among us was still somewhat popular, but don't mind this, i just wanted a fun chapter since we've had a lot of dramatic/depressing chapters lately, enjoy!*

You were laying upside down on your bed listening to music.

It was Saturday and your out-of-school detention week was over. You didn't have anything to do today so you were making an ice sculpture of your goggles, making changes to it, since Mina told you they were going over costume changes in class.

There was a knocking at your door but you didn't hear it.

You also didn't hear them open your door calling your name. You were just bopping your head to the music, focused on the floating goggles.

Out of nowhere, you saw a hand reach out and touch the goggles.

"AHH!" you jumped up.

"AHH!" your jump scared them back.

"Kami what the fuck!"

"S-sorry, sorry! What are you doing?" He looked at your ice goggles.

"I'm redesigning my goggl- what are you doing in my room?" you took off your headphones.

"I came to ask if you wanted to play among us later. We need one more person and Todoroki is busy today."

"What's 'among us'?" you asked genuinely but he deadpanned.

"Oh, I forgot you're boring." he turned and sat in your chair to set up the game on your computer. You scrunched your face annoyed.

"I'm really not as boring as you think." You crossed your arms and sat next to him.

"Yeah sure." He was disinterested, you rolled your eyes.

"Chess counts as a game right?"

"If I listen to you anymore, I'm going to fall asleep." he was downloading a couple of other games as well onto your computer. "Can I get these games for you too?" He pointed to the screen at the shopping cart.

"Sure." He bought them. "I've played a bunch of games when I have time to, especially fighting games to help my technique-"

"Why do you need help with technique if you weren't training to be a hero?"


"Uhhh... self-defense. I was a black girl in America..."

"Oh, that makes sense." he let it go.

Good thing he's dumb.

"Did you play with anyone?"

"Yeah, Domi... my ex... some of my dad's friends... this um... other girl- but I'm familiar with multiplayer." he looked at you then back at the screen.

"Is the other girl the blonde chick?" your eyes snapped up at him.


"Uhh, back at the training camp when I looked at your journal, b-by accident," he emphasized. "The pages were flowing due to the wind and I saw a couple drawings."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" you tensed up.

"I didn't think it was relevant." he got scared. "One was a sketch of a gun which looked really cool actua...lly." he turned and tried to be friendly but you were getting impatient. "A-And the other was a colored drawing of a blonde girl with like heart cheeks and freckles and stuff."

Yeah, he saw her...

"From your expression, I'm guessing you don't wanna talk about her." you paused to sigh then reached behind you in your desk to grab two polaroid pictures.

Bunny Rabbit ( bnhaxreader )Where stories live. Discover now